Breaking Benjamin new single tone?

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Active member
Aug 17, 2009
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Hey guys, have any of you listened to the new single from BB? I know that Ben is using MTS heads live, but this sounds different..... any idea of which module (if any) he would be using to achieve that clear raw crunchy thick tone? Especially on open chords....the baw in his tone is just.....oh my.....
I can get real close to that sound on my Grail and my 5150 and Hellraiser. Drop C I suspect as well.

Don't go by the studio recording. The recording engineer sprinkles magic fairy dust on the tracks to get them to sound just right.

So take what you already have and start playing with it.
Sweet! Thanks for the reply! I am not necessarily concerned with the recording...more of the "BAW" in his open chords while staying thick and crunchy. I don't think that can be added in post production.
Sorry for the double post, but I am actually fairly confident its a blended XTC and Recto.....or something along those lines....could just be a quad tracked XTC...who knows.
Jaded Faith said:
I was playing a Recto I just did last night and I really think I have what you are after. :wink:

bahaha...****** dude.....don't tempt me!!! haha. I am off to school in a week, however, once I get there, and once I am able...I will send it out to you to mod.
I have a message out to David Bendeth for you about what was used in these sessions. He is right by me in NJ and has been really cool with me in the past about recording sessions he was a part of. Hopefully I can get you a definite response. Stay tuned!
I got the good word back from the man himself and roughly 12 different amps and 6 different guitars can be heard on "I Will Not Bow", which is right about what I was guessing. No further specifics that I can share with you, but the Randall is confirmed to be in the mix. :wink:
Wow. it's amazing what goes into these mainstream bands' recordings, then you hear something from like Arch enemy or someone and they use two amps, two cabs, one or two mics, and two guitars.

Gotta admit though, said mainstream bands come out with some cool tones :D

And it's interesting, because that may well be why the Ultra can sound so good with that band on recording, because they mix it with either better sounding modules or other better sounding amps. The Ultra doesn't record well, but like with any other thing, if you take something that sounds less than desirable in a certain situation and mix it with something that sounds great in the same situation, you can get a pretty **** beefy sound that's incredibly pleasing. One member of this forum learned th at in the studio with his EL34 loaded Lynch Box running a Grail through V30s, while the producer put the other guitarist through a genuine Dual Rec with 6L6's and G1275s.
I know this is a very very old thread but I thought I would just comment in case someone else is curious, Rob already cleared up that they use a lot of amps but David Bendeth said the Naylor amp gets a lot of use by the BB guys, and another note, all the heads in his studio are customized to his liking so if you were to buy one it wouldn't sound exactly the same. I have pictures of the studio, and the amps he owns are Soldan Slo-100, Carr (can't tell the exact amp from the picture), Badcat Lynx 50 (really really nice tone, a module version of this would be amazing), Naylor (can't tell the amp model from the picture, a 6505+, Krank Krankenstein (I believe its the Krankenstein, a custom Wizard head, Marshall JCM 2000 Super Lead, and a Bogner Ecstasy. Also they use all DR Strings Ben uses 14-70 and I believe Aaron is 11-65 or 12-65 I can't remember exactly. As for guitars they used an Agile Intrepid 8 String on some parts, a PRS custom Baritone, Music Man Axis SS, a Music Man Baritone, Baritone Les Paul, Epiphone Les Paul, G&L Telecaster, Fender Telecaster, and a Washburn Idol. All these guitars were hotrodded (every stock part was replaced with even higher quality components). The MTS Modules they used were the stock Randall Marshall mods (atleast on Phobia, not sure about Dear Agony). Live Aaron used the stock XTC module with the gain at about 4:30, the bass and treble and 1:00, Mids at 9:00 o clock and the volume at 12:00. Density and Presence are 11 and 12 o clock respectively. On Ben's Rig live he uses the stock Randall Recto module, the gain is at 2:00-3:00(he lowered it to 2:00 on their last tour) the Bass and Treble are at 3:00 and the Mids are at 8:00 o clock (almost completely off). The Density and Presence are 2:00 and 12:00 respectively. They also use the stock Blackface modules for their live clean sounds. Aaron (12,3,1,2,12) Ben (12:30,2,11,5,4:30) All settings in O clock (Gain, Bass, Middle, Treble, Volume). Another note is the Bright switches are engaged on all their modules. And neither of the amps are cranked, they are at about 10:00 to 11:00 o clock master volume. I hope this helps people who want to know about their tone!