Can I do this?

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Well-known member
Jul 31, 2009
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Alright, so I'm going to get back into the MTS game :D. I missed you guys and the badass tones to be had here. They always come back....

Anyway, I want an RM4 and power amp this time rather than an RM100.

I already have a Carvin TS100 power amp with El34's, so I just need an RM4 and some modules.

Now, my roommate and I BOTH want to play through the Carvin, so will this work?

I take channel 1 of the Carvin, run the RM4 into it and into my cab (8 ohm cab).

He gets a preamp (probably an Engl e530), runs it into channel 2 of the Carvin, then into HIS cab (also an 8 ohm cab).

Can you do that? I've never tried anything even close to this before, so I'm just wondering if you can split two guitarists with their own preamps/cabs into the same power amp.

Would I set the power amp to 4 ohms?

crankyrayhanky said:
if it's 2 separate channels, it should work....but IDK for sure

Yeah it is two separate channels; 50 watts per side or 100 bridged in mono.

Second opinions?
Assuming each channel has its own speaker outputs with separate impedance selection it should work fine. You shouldn't need to make any impedance compensation either. If Ch A is going to an say an 8-ohm cab, use the 8-ohm output or switch-setting on Ch A. While if at the same time Ch B is going to say a 4-ohm cab, then use the 4-ohm output/switch-setting on Ch B.

Just don't bridge the channels together . . .
You also might need to dick with the ground lift switches on the preamps and the power amp to get a compatible combination that is hum-free . . .
HughJasol said:
You also might need to dick with the ground lift switches on the preamps and the power amp to get a compatible combination that is hum-free . . .

Thank you sir, that's exactly what I needed. They do each have separate impedance selectors, so it'll just be each channel on 8 ohms, power amp set to stereo, and mess with ground lift switches.


haha thanks man!
Glad that helped . . .

BTW - if you're thinking of getting back into an MTS rack configuration, you might want to consider a dual-channel Egnater M4 (sometimes designated as the "M4DC") over the Randall RM4. Every module you can use with the RM4 will also work with the M4, but the M4 gives you the added advantage of being able to use dual-channel modules. While you can pickup an RM4 for $450-$550, you can usually pickup an M4 for just a little more ($550 to $650 - when you can find them).

The only thing you lose by opting for the M4 are the effects loops. But since my effects go between the M4 and the power amp (or before the M4 in the case of wah and OD pedals), I really have no use for the loops anyway. Just my $0.02 :)
HughJasol said:
Glad that helped . . .

BTW - if you're thinking of getting back into an MTS rack configuration, you might want to consider a dual-channel Egnater M4 (sometimes designated as the "M4DC") over the Randall RM4. Every module you can use with the RM4 will also work with the M4, but the M4 gives you the added advantage of being able to use dual-channel modules. While you can pickup an RM4 for $450-$550, you can usually pickup an M4 for just a little more ($550 to $650 - when you can find them).

The only thing you lose by opting for the M4 are the effects loops. But since my effects go between the M4 and the power amp (or before the M4 in the case of wah and OD pedals), I really have no use for the loops anyway. Just my $0.02 :)

Hmmmm....thanks for the thought man! That's interesting. I think I need the FX loop unfortunately. I have a rack EQ that I LOVE and it makes literally every amp I've ever played sound better when it's in the loop.

Dual channels modules would be sweet though...Decisions, decisions...
Are you using the series loop or the parallel loop? If it's the series loop (which I would guess is what you're using) I would think running the EQ in the series loop of the RM4 would be the same as running the M4 output into the EQ input, then the EQ output into the power amp, no?
HughJasol said:
Are you using the series loop or the parallel loop? If it's the series loop (which I would guess is what you're using) I would think running the EQ in the series loop of the RM4 would be the same as running the M4 output into the EQ input, then the EQ output into the power amp, no?

Never even considered that man, but I think you're right...Yeah that would definitely work. Hmm! Interesting. I still think I want the RM4 just to save some cash for now. I do really appreciate it though.
Went slumming..had to come yeah,it should work if it is 2 seperate channels and there are no shared connections......Ive thought about an RM4 setup,but 3 are enough for me live and I like having it all in one unit....really 2 are..clean and dirty...the 3rd is a bonus for of like having a ton of modules....I had like 15 at one point and just realized that was kind of ridiculous really...there is alot of tonal crossover with them,so I just kept the ones I really liked and will occasionally try a new's very addicting,Ive owned several more than two times and the collection can pile up before you know it if you are not
alowerdeep said:
Went slumming..had to come yeah,it should work if it is 2 seperate channels and there are no shared connections......Ive thought about an RM4 setup,but 3 are enough for me live and I like having it all in one unit....really 2 are..clean and dirty...the 3rd is a bonus for of like having a ton of modules....I had like 15 at one point and just realized that was kind of ridiculous really...there is alot of tonal crossover with them,so I just kept the ones I really liked and will occasionally try a new's very addicting,Ive owned several more than two times and the collection can pile up before you know it if you are not
:lol: Yes, it really is an addiction at times - no exaggeration! I'm always fighting the urge to buy more modules, constantly on the verge of meltdown. But I'm trying to control myself, and only buying one every couple of weeks or so (still sick, I know!) . . . :lol:
Yep,I come on here constantly and look of the classifieds and scan ebay....I literally talk myself out of purchases all the time becasue I know I have most tones covered with my collection now...I keepo selling my Rectos,then I want another one,so maybe I need to just keep one on hand.....or maybe there is a Diablo in my future..It is the only recto I havent tried
Mattfig said:
Alright....Spill the beans on this loaded RM4....please...

Drew cut me a MOST gracious deal that I can't think him enough for, seriously. I'm sure everybody on here has already dealt with him and knows, but he's a class act and a great guy.

Anyway, the RM4 will consist of a Blackface, Ultra Lead, Ultra XL, and Gigmods 1087. I don't want to say a price out of respect, but it was good, great, FANTASTIC in fact haha

Again, much appreciation to Drew for making it happen.

Now I just owe him some youtube clips (that, along with the $$$, was my end of the deal :D).

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Can't wait to jam again fellas!