Can someone please post some S1S0 mod clips or BENZIN???

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Well-known member
Apr 28, 2010
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
I'm trying to decide on a few modules to get ordered up, but i can't find enough sound samples can anyone please post in here or let me know?

Thanks in advance!
I thought you might like this:

It's a track off the local band Downcast Theory's latest album. They are some of my best friends and our bands play together all the time.

All guitars on it are either my PV VIL module (based off of modified 5150 and 6505+ heads I either own or did for several local guys I am close with) or a Peavey XXX and 6505+ I modded for them. The intro and most all the guitar after 1:20 to the end are all the PV VIL. There are a few solos between 2:30 through the end that really feature the module well.
Have you found the soundclick demo's?



Of course these are only demo's, not a full on album recording ;)
Jaded Faith said:
I thought you might like this:

It's a track off the local band Downcast Theory's latest album. They are some of my best friends and our bands play together all the time.

All guitars on it are either my PV VIL module (based off of modified 5150 and 6505+ heads I either own or did for several local guys I am close with) or a Peavey XXX and 6505+ I modded for them. The intro and most all the guitar after 1:20 to the end are all the PV VIL. There are a few solos between 2:30 through the end that really feature the module well.

You should read the name of thread;)