cilps of 1086 and Kh3

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Man.......sounds sweet!!
They are **** Identicle!!!

I owned them both but choose the 1086 over the 2. I love the way it can do the mid scoops!!
Anyhow.......sounds GREAT!!!!!!!!! :D
Hey mate!!

that is fabulous work. Thanks ever so much. I like em both, Its always a bit hard to hear all of the super nuances through a camera mic but they are a bit close in overall sound and i bet could be dialed in similiar. I prefered teh lead with the Kh3 on the vid just a tad, but I think i preffered the rythm with the 1086
Thanks guys,

Yeah, they are pretty identical, that was my first thought as well.

Not real happy about that, if I had seen a video like this before I bought the KH3 I probably wouldn't have...but personally I do like the KH3 leads better too.

I actually want to try a KH2 now, maybe Kirk uses his KH2 as rythym and KH3 as his lead tone.

Some tube swaps will switch it up, I put the same Tung Sols in each for the video. The KH3 came with Rubys, probably gonna put those back in or maybe even try some JJ or GT ECC83S I have.

But 1086 is still my fav.
Wow...those amp settings are way out there but I remember the RM100 I had was pretty you really need all that low end and tubbiness the Density adds at 3 o'clock?

Well...I guess that answers my have the treble cranked too :D

Honestly don't know how you guys can even comment on the tone...

I bet that sounds a lot better in the room....I can't hear crap from the cam mic apart from a lot of distorted high end plus the occasional woof.. and youtube compression certainly isn't helping I'm sure :-/
nice chops!!!

i think the KH-3 is just a c-hair smoother than the 1086...
the kh3 handled leads way better than the 1086 in that vid ...imho
jkd read my mind again(max presence near max density :shock: ), good clips though, yes the two can sound similar but they are quite different. if you think you may like the kh-3 then just go for it cause it rules :twisted:

My settings are to compensate for lack of volume.

I live in an apartment complex and neighbors are ALWAYS home. It's actually very annoying, I used to have moments where I could just play, but two have been out of work for a couple weeks now.

I really wish I had a better way to record, but I don't have any mics or recording software at the moment.