Clean module - ANYTHING Near a JC120?

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Well-known member
Mar 27, 2006
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So I've heard that folks don't really dig the Clean module and I keep reading words like "flat" so it has me wondering, is it anything like/close to a JC120?
It close. The JC120 has a certain type of tone because it is solid state. The Clean module has a little rounder low end to it which I think is just because of the tubes.
It's going to hard to match that amp since as mentioned it is solid state and has a particular edgy non-tube sound to it. But, a lot of its tone is from the built in stereo chorus, which can be emulated.

For clean modules most people mention the Blackface. I use my Plexi, which is not 100% clean, but I rarely play clean and can't justify another $200 module for it.
I agree with Rich. Mine is close to it, but it has a fatter, rounder bottom. If you use effects on your cleans it works great. It really is just a matter of what you plan to use it for.
Hmm, that sounds interesting. I have a JC120 head that I use for cleans but sometimes I also add my Studio preamp, Quad preamp, or the Blackface module to give it a bit more of a thick round tone, particularly on the bottom end.

Lately I've just been exploring other options though cuz I have been using just the studio, quad, or rm4 (sometimes mp1 SS clean) along with some wet FX to try and get that jc120 vibe going on. It works ok and it's decent but yeah I was wondering about the Clean module and actually thinking how that would sound since it is tube but also kinda "flat" sounding :)
i have 9 modules including two modules used for clean tones - the 'blackface' and the 'clean'. the 'clean' was the first of the two i bought and i loved it from the day i got it. i then purchased the 'blackface' on ebay cause i figured it would sound better than the 'clean', but to my ears, the 'clean' module is just so warm, round and rich sounding. i prefer it over the 'blackface' which is more brighter sounding and not as warm or round (and which i barely use). when i pair it with my ernie ball/music man luke guitar that has emg pickups and i put it in the fourth position (neck/middle), i can get the exact tone of 'nothing else matters' off of metallica's 'black album' (just to give you a frame of reference).

i'm really glad i bought the 'clean' that was included with a loaded rm4 i bought because i think if i didn't, i would have gone straight for the 'blackface' and wouldn't even bothered checking out the 'clean' because like i said, i would have assumed the 'blackface' would be the 'be all/end all' of clean tones. i would highly recommend the 'clean' tone if you're trying to go for a jc-120 clean sound. it'll get you closer there than the 'blackface'.