Controlling a Mod50 with a Boss GT-8 via MIDI?

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Well-known member
Jul 14, 2007
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I have a Mod50 en route and already have a Boss GT-8 pedal. Since the GT-8 can supposedly be used to control other MIDI enabled devices, I was entertaining the idea of dumping the Egnater MIDI pedal in favor of using the GT-8. Has anyone tried this so far? Any success?

Also, has anyone tried the GT-8 or GT-Pro in the loop of the Egnater or Randall module-based amps? Which loop did you prefer? Thanks in advance.
Hey Jarret, congrats again on the MOD 50. Do a search on the forum for the Boos GT thing. It's been well discussed. Doable, some tone suckage maybe. YRMV
THanks for the feedback. I'm familiar with the 4CM and don't want to go that route with the Mod50. I'll just put the GT-8 in one of the loops. Man, I wish those FX loops were footswitchable, that would be nice.

My real need for info is around the MIDI piece. Seems like a lot of people have tried it with little success so far.