Cool amp shootout link - not mine :)

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cool idea for a vid. Based on the songs though I wouldn't buy any of the amps. :lol: Obviously these amps all can do more than was shown.
Clear case of tone is the fingers...many of these amps sound real similar! I heard Ola through a Bulgera 5150 clone and it smashed just as hard as any of the expensive boutiques.
This dude is all post production and recording process honestly...He is the man, don't get me wrong I've watched every video of his haha But he can make all amps sound alike as you see here. On his video with the Diezel Einstein, he drops this mix and post production and just lets you hear the raw guitar track and it is MUCH different. They sound way cooler like this, but the raw tracks are more revealing. That being said, the Framus Cobra is my favorite in this video along with the Diezel.
This is only a compilation!!
I agree that most of the amps sound very similar here.

But check out the individuals clips (different youtube uploads per amp) and you'll hear the difference :)
m0jo said:
This is only a compilation!!
I agree that most of the amps sound very similar here.

But check out the individuals clips (different youtube uploads per amp) and you'll hear the difference :)

I've seen them all hundreds of times good sir and I stand by my statement haha I've been subscribed to his videos for over a year now; I absolutely love his tone and style. Honestly, to me, it's perfect tone. THAT is the sound I like. Hopefully the Mamba does it for me haha
IMO he mixed those amps into the song just a little too much for the amps to actually be heard

the only one I was able to 'identify' immidiatly was the JVM