Corner of Delight 2012

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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2010
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Hurtling through space on a wet rock.
OK, so the Rack of Delight is no longer the entire MTS picture for me...While I am still assembling the home studio, here's my fave place to hang and make noise..

Wow, great looking setup, Matt.

I should add that Egnater cab looks particularly awesome. It makes you look more sophisticated, suave, and now that you have it, I bet you are even more of a ladykiller.
lol....Good thing I have that cab then...'Cause I'm anything but those things you described in person... :)

I'm as sophisticated as a neanderthal...

Plus, none of that stuff is plugged in or loaded with anything...Just shells to make my solid state Rogue have some cred...
Mattfig said:
lol....Good thing I have that cab then...'Cause I'm anything but those things you described in person... :)

I'm as sophisticated as a neanderthal...

Plus, none of that stuff is plugged in or loaded with anything...Just shells to make my solid state Rogue have some cred...
Oooh pretty lights.
I imagine you probably could power a small 3rd world nation with the power you consume with all that gear. :lol:
Hamner1 said:
Oooh pretty lights.
I imagine you probably could power a small 3rd world nation with the power you consume with all that gear. :lol:


Used to be a problem until my uranium enrichment process finally finished up ...Now the reactor is up and running and equipment never sounded better...Sure, the UN inspections and such have interrupted some great sessions, but I feel waaay safer knowing there's nuclear power under my home...

guitarzan said:
That looks awesome Matt!
Thank you sir...
With language like that all in one thread response Fig, its probably being monitored by the FBI now!.... LOL.
Mattfig said:
bhuard75 said:
With language like that all in one thread response Fig, its probably being monitored by the FBI now!.... LOL.

lol...I think you mean dedicating more resources toward the current monitoring

Oh so there not just casually conducting random inquisitions of your neighbors, but have started a more covert operation. Just be wary of any unmarked white vans parked outside your house. :lol: