Could Line 6 be an asset to MTS?

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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2010
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Hurtling through space on a wet rock.
Check out the power section of the DT25....Yeah, it's just a beginning but you have your negative feedback covered as well as some other very cool stuff...Bogner is still innovative...

I know there was a guy here messing with a Mesa Road King power section but never heard of any results....I think that would be the final key is a much more programmable power section....I would be willing to pay top dollar for that...Especially if Bruce were to design it....

Just a thought....Line 6 will couple that great power tube usage with **** models and make it suck....But it's a great concept and it seems some problems have been solved to make this work....

So you're saying you want:

Programmable channel bridging (a la RK)
Pentode/triode or high/low power
Class A/AB switching

That would be pretty cool. Maybe to hold you over give one of the VHT/Fryettes a shot?

And it is a bit surprising that Bruce doesn't have a poweramp to pair with the E4, but he seems to have his hands full at the moment with the Armageddon and E2 among other things. I can't imagine how far down the road such a poweramp would be.
Seriously, this is one cool amp. In essence it has everything we could ask for as far as power amp tone. Im sure the preamp is crazy fun too. Bogners name being on it makes is super high on the want list. Revials the tweaker head on. Look out Egnater! :lol:
The preamp in those amps is fully digital. But afaik the poweramp is complete analog but switched around by digital control.
So if you were to take that poweramp and mate it with say an RM4 .. yeah that would probably rock!

An RT2/50 with these options ... ****! :shock: