cuttting through

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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2010
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I've got a problem, the other guitar player says my amp doesn't cut through the mix very well.Says he can barely hear me and that it's not a volume problem,it's too much gain.We play rock( judas priest,ozzy ,acdc led zep)and I don't want to turn down the gain to much,I mean it's rock baby not country.Is there any solution to this without losing to much gain?
Look at his EQ settings and EQ yours around them/to complement them?
slashnstrings said:
and always try to remember those bands don't use as much gain as people always think.
none of those bands would be considered high gain. The 1086 & even the XTC that you're using may be too much. I'm using my XTC has a lead channel because it's just too much for rhythm on the AC/DC type stuff we play. Great for heavier styles of metal though :)

What gear is your other guitarist using?
walshinator666 said:
We play rock( judas priest,ozzy ,acdc led zep)

Cut back on the gain. The stuff you listed above is not modern high gain. It'll sound better, punchier and also will improve your technique working the strings a bit more. Also take a look at your EQ and make sure there's enough mids in your tone.
Absolutely agree. Gain is great but too much starts to kill the finer intricacies of your tone. I play some pretty heavy stuff and my lead is a Salvation Xtacy with gain cranked to 6 (about 1 o clock) and my rhythm is a Salvation Deadplate with the gain all the way up at about 7.5 (about 2:30). It is plenty distortion-y at those levels. Turn it down and see how it sounds overall and if you hate it, crank it back up.

I also agree with the fact that the bands you listed as your models do not require all that much gain.

Peace, Joshua
To clarify a bit also. If you are trying to replicate a studio sound by bands like Metallica, Megadeth right to Soilwork and Killswitch you have to take in mind that in the studio those guitars tracks are done with multiple tracks of medium gain layered to make it super F'N heavy. thats what i meant by not as high gain as most people think. and yeah those bands you listed can be done with a Plexi for the most part, pretty low gain in todays realm of amps
Cut your gain and run your mids hot. It might not sound all purty for you playing by yourself, but it will cut through. Rhythm? flat or a slightly smile shaped EQ. Lead? mids hot or a frown shaped EQ. Particular attention to around 650 to 800 Hz.

That was one reason Randy Rhoads used a half-cocked wah and a Distortion plus live. You don't need to use a wah, you can move one slider up on your EQ pedal going into the amp or on your rack EQ unit in the loop. The sound is at 750 Hz. The Super Lead couldn't get him there on its own.
One more vote for cut the gain. I was the same way, NEED MORE GAIN! Then I really started to try and get closer to the sounds those bands were doing. The only way to get there was dial the gain back, WAY back. Especially Zeppelin rhythm suff, not much gain there at all.
Thanks guess i'll have to gain down,but to me it just sounds crappy.It just doesen't have enough eumphhh to it.Listening to a recorded live performance you couldn't hear me much at all just kind of shadowing him.he plays through a mark 5 with 2 2x12 avatar cabs with vintage 30's and i'm using my gear listed with 1 4x12 marshall with 4 g12t-75
Speaker swap may give you some tone back but if you still crank everything to 10 it's still going to sound like crap. And turning down a few will be cheaper than buying new speakers.

Peace, Joshua
Marshall 1960 cab with the G12-T75s? Run the mids around 4:00. Oh and also run your density and presence lower as well.
Ampoholic said:
One more vote for cut the gain. I was the same way, NEED MORE GAIN! Then I really started to try and get closer to the sounds those bands were doing. The only way to get there was dial the gain back, WAY back. Especially Zeppelin rhythm suff, not much gain there at all.

Had the same with Maiden
turns out an SL+ at 10 o'clock on the gain is already pushing it
for acdc,zeppelin,deep purple I use xtc-gain@12:00,bass 8:30,mid@9:00 ,treb@4:30
for priest,ozzy,-I use 1086-gain@3:00,bass@10:30,mid@10:00,treb@5:00,for leads I use sal angel with gain @9:00 bass@12:00,mids @12:00 treb@9:00so we'll see at band practice how it goes.If I have to lower the gain I will.