D-Zilla vs Benzin

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Well-known member
Oct 2, 2011
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Wherever there's a guitar shop
We've slightly touched on the matter in a previous thread, but I'm really interested in opinions about the Diezel "newcomer" D-Zilla (by Jaded Faith) vs "older" Benzin (Salvation).

For those who have had the opportunity to play with both (and like the Dieze tone in general) which one did you prefer and why so?
much preferred the Benzin, was darker, meaner, great for Tool and Sludge-y tones. the D-zilla was waaay too bright for me. bear in mind i like darker tones, and not a treble lover by any stretch of the imagination.
I'll come from the other side. I preferred the D-Zilla. I like the base tone more.

Each mod has flexibility, but I preferred the way the D-Zilla cut through the mix better.
I never played DZilla but will tell you why I keep my Benzin...It is a Marshally flavor with some really articulate gain and a mean lower mid that most mods don't have...

I'd love to try a DZilla someday too but have little desire for anything in the area right now...

I've been thinning the mod herd lately and the Benzin is one that has made the cut...
Thanks for the valuable comments. Since dual modules are a fetish of mine :wink: and I do reside on the eastern part of the pond I was contemplating buying "new" from either JF or salvo. I guess the price for a dual D-zilla or Benzin all in all would be about the same.

I do also like that dark ballsy diezelish sound - Benzin might be the the way to go then?

Other more modern (I'm old) high gain amps like Mesa recto or Engl make me sometimes associate them with the new generation (think 90s and so on) conformed "College metal" guys. I love them and they sound great but IMO they are more sweet than sweat and are missing that Diezel balls feeling, which I sometimes crave so badly.

To me the Diezel Herbert is the mesa's or Engl's not related and depraved working class drop out who, while you are studying, is spending his days at the gym, evenings at the local rock 'n roll beer joint and nights doing that hot almost angel like girl in your class :shock:
I just realised that third passage above had a somewhat homoerotic touch to it, not intended, at least so far I've had strictly platonic relationship to my amps (and male guitarists..) :)
blacksun said:
"College metal" guys. I love them... they are more sweet than sweat and are missing that Diezel balls feeling, which I sometimes crave so badly.

:shock: Freudian slip... I think not!

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