Digitech I stomp

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Well-known member
Apr 27, 2008
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I got this at GC during a 20% day and I have to tell you it is a darn good pedal. They have at 20 different pedals you can download and lately I have picked up a bunch for 99 cents. They have been running a pedal a week for 8 wks. Got a modulated delay, a boost that has a mid shift that you can change to boost frequency's. a screamer, a Leslie sim, a simple I button boost, a red distortion, a rat and a choir that sounds great with clean stuff. All 99 cents at the time they came out. Most jump up within a week or so though so a lot of them are now 4 to 9 $. And they sound great. I have other pedals as well but some of the pedals I have on the stomp are ones I wouldn't want to spend on plus I'de have a huge pedal board. Thought to pass this on if anyone likes pedals.
I like the premise. It would be great to have a versatile single-space effect on the pedalboard for those only-use-that-effect-on-one-song situations. A while back I was looking at the Line 6 M3 for something similar. It could be a vibe for one song, a flanger on another, a trem, etc and do that job amongst your more conventional pedals
Its a cool concept...but other modeling stomp devices sounded "off" to me. I really wanted to like them..but so far..not so good.
Maybe this time they got it right..I have to hear it..havent yet....like MTS somewhat ignored in the marketplace.
I agree that the older stuff sucked. Never liked any digital effects in the past and all of my good pedals are analogue based. But I wanted a few effects that I would only occasionally use and didn't want to spend on them. Like the electric mistress flanger, a phase pedal and a rat pedal that I would only use for a few songs. One other reason is that I had traded some stuff for a Fender HRDX. And wanted delay but didn't want to move my board. So that is why I took the chance and I am very happy I did. I am very impressed with it and the only thing I would change would be if you didn't have to download the effect from your iPod or whatever. I use a old I touch that is outdated but works great for that. I do have quite a collection of software based pedals now. And the electric mistress is one of my faves.
I do prefer analogue pedels. That being said I do also have a Line 6 HD500. I have used it for a few songs now and the results are great. I do need many more hours of working with it to unlock it's full potent. I'm impressed with what I have used it for so far and can't wait to realy dig into it. :D
Im trading a guy a pedal for one of these istomps this weekend locally.
Can't wait to try it. I also have all analogue pedals. Sometimes digital effects like delays can be cool though, and all those crazy other effects also.
Super psyched! Thanks for turning me on to this.
Like I said, the mistress flanger alone is worth it to me, you get 2 free right of the bat, a delay and a red overdrive. The od is actually pretty good. And the delay is a a typical digi delay that repeats without any modulation. It is fine but the new modulated delay is much better. I really like the rotater for a subtle Leslie effect. I am hoping they release some sort of echoplex in the future. Check out there website to see all the offerings. Let us all know what you think of it too. I use most of my pedals with the blackface or my super v module and keep the gain down. The rat and the fuzzface sound great with either.
Super cool pedal, built way better than it looked from the pics.
Very tough construction, very cool design. The 2 iPad interface pedals it comes with sound very cool. This is my first digital pedal. I really like it, sounds very different from anything else on my board. Im gonna purchase a couple more as they come out on sale, $.99 is so badass when they first come out. My first purchase was the tone boost. Seemed like a very flexible boost.

Thinking about buying another iStomp to run 1 in the loop and 1 in front with my other analog pedals :D
I agree, need another for the loop. Thought about a cheap a b type pedal for just that. I also bought the 99c tone boost and it's great for toning down a bright treble pup or boosting the higher end on a dark tone. I also downloaded the modulated delay and found it to be very good.
I don't really like it for three reasons:

1. I'm an Android user. They could easily make it work with Android but that's a different discussion.. the point is: I can't use it.
2. There's no display .. with delays, pitch shifters for instance I like to see my settings more precisely in milliseconds/semitones.
3. No presets or switching between effects without using the phone, that's too cumbersome for me.

In short: they've made it too "analog" in terms of industrial and interaction design. I like the Line 6 M5 much more, 200 effects from the get go, presets, midi and a built in tuner.

If you want to experiment with different effects, the iStomp is probably better, but for utility during gigs the M5 seems more handy.