DIY module?

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Mar 15, 2007
Reaction score
Hong Kong

anyone have information about the PCB pin out assignment of the module? maybe making a DIY module is possible if we have enough information.. It wouldn't be that hard because the chassis is already have the power supply.

You know it is possible to have SLO module.. ENGL module.. MarkIIC module...

You bring up an interesting point. Im honestly shocked no one has figured out how to do this and started selling their own modules for this thing. The only reason I can think of is that it could be patent infringement.

I can understand that out of respect Bruce wont do custom modules that are rip-offs of other boutique builder's circuits (ie SLO, XTC, Uberschall, Herbert), but it sure would be nice if SOMEONE would!

I think Bruce will build modules based off of other botique amps, but just on a custom basis--not mass produced.

As far as a DIY custom module goes, it wouldn't be hard. The hardest part would be the soldering. Take a look at the modules, there isn't a whole lot goin on really. I noticed that alot of the circuits are similar in layout, with different values on the resistors and caps, etc. However, Most of us don't really understand how all that stuff comes together to make good tones--thats what we pay Bruce and Frank and Randall for :)