Doing my first live Performance. Advice Needed!

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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2008
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Hey, I'm 17 and I've had my rm100kh since the summer. I haven't gotten to play in a loud environment with it or with other people so I was wondering what are some basic things to know?
I'm gonna be playing a Metallica medley with another guitar player who's borrowing a Mesa Mark IV, a bassist and a pretty loud drummer, no singer. I've got the kh-3 and 1086 with the MXR 10 band eq in the loop, so what type of sample setting or master controls should be used? I'll be using my jackson rr1 w/ emg 81/85 and running a boss ch-1 in the front. I'm not sure where the best place for my Carbon copy is either, would be greatly appreciated.
I'm a total noob at this stuff, so from the guys with gigging experience, i'm looking for some advice on how to set up the gear.
I'm also playing in a theatre if that makes a difference.

thanks and if i left anything out, ask me for whatever info is needed.
The density control is something I adjust according to the a theater you would probably need less, maybe 10 o'clock- than at a small practice room where I put it at noon, or home where I pump it up to 2 o'clock

I would also work hard at getting the volumes even across the modules, unless you're going for a slight volume boost on one for solos. Nothing worse than uneven cut/boost going from clean to crunch to clean

Most of all, enjoy the moment! Have a blast
thanks, that's the info i was after. What about eq'ing? I'm thinking if i scoop the mids too much it'll sound muddy. Most metallica tones i get at low volumes sound good, but aren't as clear when i increase the volume. Maybe the 10 band can keep the clarity in check while still being heavy.
I found the KH2 and especially the KH3 needed more treble than my other mods, I crank it up to 3 o'clock on the KH3 when using my Goth Paul

Like most rigs, what works at home jamming by yourself doesn't work in a loud band setting due to overcompensation...alone, I tend to put too much of everything: gain, extreme eq. With a band in a loud theater, you'll need less gain than you think to increase clarity in the group. Id be careful that your external eq isn't too drastic, in fact, I'd dial it up without to see if it'll work well on its own first, then add a little boost or cut to taste. At home, we tend to overthink things and have drastic cuts/boost. Simplify in a band setting- these amps rock hard when the volume is pumping. Speaking of which, be prepared to have the sound guy beat your volume down to low volumes!
Be VERY careful using the EQ; I always notice when younger guys use an EQ; they tend to set it in a V pattern to get that scooped tone they think sounds so heavy and awesome, but the first time you put that in a live band situation, you'll disappear in the mix if you're not careful.
I would almost say to lose the EQ in your rig completely for the time being; do you really NEED it?

Also, be careful with how much gain you use; I know the mindset is that you want the heaviest tone and so you instinctively want to turn the gain to 11, but that's not always the best thing to do.
"Heavy" doesn't necessarily always mean so much gain it sounds like paint frying...

+1 on the sound guy telling you you'll need to turn down.
Watch out for "Mosquito Tone". Midrange is your friend. I agree with jimosity - Scoopy tone vanishes in the mix
I Adjust your mids (starting from your bedroom tone) during soundcheck, until you feel a bit of a punch in your gut (or even better, your chest). Ideally, without the EQ, you should still have a somewhat scooped tone, but you should still get a fuller, fatter sound (I think the mids should be straight up or a little over noon for a Metallica sound). Just use your EQ to give a semi-even boost, with a tiny little bit on the highs and lows. Make sure it doesn't thin your sound out any. Be wary of the bright switches on the modules, they can thin the tones out too (they do this with my Ultra XL), so try the sounds with the bright switch on the left first.

Also, start out with your gain at noon. and be wary of where your bass knob is, just like with the density.

Mind you, I've never done a real live performance, but I've EQed my amp at practice for very similar tones, and just hav general knowledge picked up from other people about live EQ.
I'll just reinforce what these guys have already said.....scooped mids are your enemy in a live band setting......also I personsally don't use alot of Presence in my playing me it adds to high frequency trash especially at higher volumes.....I use my treble more and presence less...more clarity....
All this input is great :D
I experimented recently and yes, scooping doesn't do you any good at loud volumes.
I will be using my kh-1 for a couple short cleans: MOP clean in the middle of the song. I'm thinking I'll use my ch-1 to get the tone a little fuller.
What are thoughts on EQing the clean channel and using the ch-1?