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Well-known member
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
Cincinnati, OH
So I don't think I planned on buying two 4x12 cabs during the past month, but just wandered into two incredibly good deals...


First, I managed to find a new Rocktron Vendetta 4x12 (Egnater-designed, loaded w/ V30's) on closeout. Then while I was technically out shopping for a 2x12 to pair with it, I found a Randall 4x12 XL cab (also loaded w/ V30's) that was priced too good to be true. So now I'm re-engineering the rig to do a wet/dry setup with the two cabs.

Anybody wanna buy a couple 2x12's? :p

Oh man B, that some nice stuff!

You've been abusing your credit card again? :lol:

Me too, I just ordered about $1200 worth of pedals. :shock:
I'd love to have one of those Avatar 2x12's you've got Brent, but all I've got to offer are Genz Benz G-Flex 2x12's...and since I got at least one of them from you, chances are you don't want them again...
Cash is not my friend right now, that second M4 I bought took all the love.
avatar cabs sre excellent. as good or better than anything else out there, imho. vader cabs are pretty sweet as well but way to pricey for eminence speakers and plywood. avatar=real wood and celestions options :twisted:
I use a 2-12 randall cab with celestions....and I wonder if a 4-12 really makes much of a difference.
Hey guys..opinions needed..does it really help? 5 percent more? 10?
I'd like to know your feelings.
I think there is far more difference between open back and closed back cabinets than 2 or 4 speakers. Case in point, this Sunday at rehearsal, I had my RM50 with a Blackface and 1086 installed. I was playing it through a 4X12 Marshall cabinet. It sounded harsh and dry. The Blackface was very bright with no depth and the 1086 was smooth, but without definition. Blackface with Gain at 5 o'clock, Bass at 12, mid at 5 o'clock same with treble, Master at 2 o'clock. 1086 about the same with gain at 2 o'clock. Master volume at 1 o'clock, density and presence at 3 o'clock. I then, disconnected the Marshall cab and reconnected the RM50 speaker. The difference was unbelievable! The Blackface sounded like a Twin Reverb I had in the '70s! The 1086 did whatever I wanted. NO settings were changed, only from closed to open back. All the Best! Pat L.
GtrGeorge! said:
I use a 2-12 randall cab with celestions....and I wonder if a 4-12 really makes much of a difference.
Hey guys..opinions needed..does it really help? 5 percent more? 10?
I'd like to know your feelings.
A few factors, actually. One is depth of the cabinet. Usually the more speakers a cab holds the deeper it is. The depth make the cab sound spacious. Total air volume/ speaker determines the acoustic resonance frequency.

Then Ted Weber has a theory that e.g. 2x10" has the resonance frequency of a 14" speaker. In other words the larger the area for moving air the lower the resonance frequency of the speakers.