Dream Amps in a Module

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Well-known member
Jul 21, 2008
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What other kind of amps would you want to hear in a module?

Here's mine

Rivera Knuckleheads
Orange Rockerverb 100
ENGL Invader
VHT Pitbull
Soldano SLO 100

I wonder which current module could possibly be modded close to these here? Let me know what you think.

Orange Anything

Engl anything

MARK IV (with 2 switches and every knob being push/pull for different tonal options)

Honestly just mods with more switches and push pulls to change things up.


Orange rocker/thunderverb

Ampeg-lee jackson supermodded!!
how many threads do we need for this :wink: the slo is a mr.scary, the kh-3 is pretty good at a pitbull but not all the way there and the knuckleheads could be had with an ultra with a higher c3 cap, probably 0.0033, it won't be quite the same but close, i hear a lot of bass and thickness on the new mick amp which i'm pretty sure is about the same as a knuckle head tre, but its been awhile since i seen or heard a the kht i'm cofident in the modded ultra though i have about 2 years of work on the ultra and ultra xl which i may have gotten closer to mesa with but it is that sound
funny is, that everybody saying something different. couple of quotes from history:
- KH2 is taste of VHT
- KH2 is poor picture of VHT
- XTC is really similar like real Ecstasy
- XTC is definetelly not like real Ecstasy
- Recto is not recto sound
- Recto is very close to my new recto preamp....etc etc etc

So what is the "TRUTH"?

PS: I know, that everybody have truth (from his subjective point of view :)
paintkilz said:
Ampeg-lee jackson supermodded!!

I had 2 of these at one time, the combo and the head- cool line.....I suppose it was like an 800, but more thick. Perhaps a SL+ with a proper bass cap?
Yeah, it's too bad I don't have 10 grand to blow on all these amps and get the modules to compare. I have played the XTC, and Recto as well as the amps they are modeling. The XTC lacks gain, and clarity. The Recto's gain behaves like the Rectifiers, being that after 2 or 3 o'clock, it start to mud up, but also lacks the clarity. Not sure if you could get the XTC to sound like the real deal, but I bet the Recto could get close with Pete mod's.

As far as the KH stuff, I've yet to try but if it lacks warmth and clarity like the other modules do. It definitely wouldn't come close to VHT Pitbull because those amps are super tight and bright, and have a pretty good amount of gain as well.

If there is a rich guy here that can donate that kind of money, send it to someone like Pete, and let him decide. He seems to be one of the few people on here that mostly everyone will trust when it comes to talking about the sound of an amp. :D
Mark IIc(+)
Better AC30
and, the biggie... Fish.

Dave Friedman is offering mods to Brown Eye, HBE, Angry Hippie, etc now... if you have heard the new Pete Thorn mod clips (Marshall mods), you know the sound. I want one... all..
All good choices so far... I'd by an ENGL and Orange for sure.

I would like to see the Cornford Hellcat covered MTS... what a great amp that is.

The Koch Multitone is another amp I'd love to see covered. Channel 2and Channel 3. I own one and just love it. Modern and vintage tones that set the benchmark HIGH.
ENGL - Powerball, Invader, or SE (or one of the first two with modding options to bring it to the SE's level)
Framus - Dragon or Cobra (possibly one or the other with modding options as before)
Mesa/Boogie - Mark IV, III, or II C+. (or one with modding options :p)
Id just like to see the current modules made even closer to their names'sake. I mean, I do like what I have..and get some excellent sounds...but I think the differnt views on modules is evidence that there is still room for improvement.
For example, I enjoy my Deluxe modules..but I have owned 2 1965 fender Deluxe reverbs. And the MTS module doesnt quite "get it". It doesnt have the transient responce, the warmth.
And my Plexi si quite usable, but it doesnt intereact with volume at all like the Marshalls I have played. It doesnt exaggerate dynamics like Marshalls do, and the mids arent quite right.
But the do sound good, and are usable..and do remble their names-sakes...just not competely obvious,yet.
Just release the modules having them modded the way Pete or Dave Friedman mods them. That tone is SO FAR from stock its scary.
I would buy them all if they sounded like the "modded" ones! :D
Have Pete built a module that had two preamps in one, a modded SL+ and a Modded Mr. Scary. Which would have a switch that would allow for single preamp use, or be able to use both modules at once. It dawned on me when I jammed The Hunter and he had two Rm100s connected togeather with both modules layed over each other. Words can't explain how good it sounded.

Pete build me one, LOL!!!!!!! :D
How about a Trainwreck "express"

Could the modules handle this type of amp design ?????

3 position bright switch on the gain Knob.

They only have B/M/T and a Volume.

I think that is more what a Dream amp is. You could own most of the others you guys mention.

But a Real Trainwreck is like $30,000 !!!!
yeah, Trainwreck is interesting (not only for its price, some of them costs 40.000 :)
But this is long distance run without sure results. We will see, with Dumble is one of candidate for module conversion. But later.....now is higain time :)

IMHO biggest "problem" of these amps is, that you must be a really great player for utilization of their potentialities :lol: In normal hands will sound like normal amp.
surreal said:
How about a Trainwreck "express"

Could the modules handle this type of amp design ?????

3 position bright switch on the gain Knob.

They only have B/M/T and a Volume.

I think that is more what a Dream amp is. You could own most of the others you guys mention.

But a Real Trainwreck is like $30,000 !!!!

Problem with the trainwreck - I own two clones, one I built, one I bought - is that it's designed to get it's gain from the preamp *and* power amp. Unless you rewire the MTS power section, you ain't going to get the best thing about the 'wreck, which is the ability to roll the volume down on your guitar and get BEAUTIFUL cleans, not just passable. It's like having a channel switching amp at your fingertips.

Also the trainwreck circuits are right on the edge of instability - it's not rare for guys to build one, then spend more time than it took to assemble the amp to get the gremlins out of it and get it where it sounds it's best.

Remember, we're modding preamps, not entire amps. The power section on the MTS gear is kinda 'middle of the road' so they can get decent results with different types of preamps. But if you want an amp that plays of the synergy of the preamp and the power section to the same degree as the trainwreck, you're going to have to mod both and even then it might not be what you think. Honestly, most players here would probably hate a 'wreck - you have to play it LOUD, and it exposes every tiny nuance of your playing, and while it is fairly high gain, it's nowhere near what a recto module puts out even dimed. If you put slop into it, it makes you sound like crap. They don't take boost pedals well either - they are meant to be 'plug directly into the amp and play' amplifiers. For classic rock they kill though, and if you have a good dynamic guitar and playing style, it's like having a 10 channel amp :)

Oh, and a Dumble is totally doable - witness the COD from Egnater. That's what they are going after. Problem with Dumbles is, he didn't really have a 'set' amp - they varied all over the place. He'd borrow a guy's guitar to 'tune' the amp to it in several cases.
