ENGL Porn!!!

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Well-known member
Jul 21, 2008
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So lately I have dabbling in some recording. I'm in the process of writing an album. The song The Invasion will be on the album. Thanks Dan once again for Invader. I can't get enough of it. Here's some clips. Enjoy!!!

You should raise the volume on the guitars a wee bit. The drums stand out way to much for my taste at least. Other than that it sounded great. Maybe a bit more mids would make it cut a little better too.
Yeah, guitars definitely need more volume, and maybe a tad more midrange. I've heard that Invaders have the same "cutting" issues as the Balls do, even though they have a stronger midrange. Sounds pretty sweet though :)
I'll definitely consider it. Thanks for the input. This isn't the final mix. I'll do that when I finish the album.
Sounds Great!
I been itching to pick up another Engl too!
That is one of the best sounding amps I wish I never sold! :x
Glad its in good hands though and sounds like you are still rocking out with it!! :D
tone sounds god. Keep in kind that Myspace artificially bumps the low mids. I have an old engl 520 preamp as well. Maybe I should pul it back out and take a listen.
I'm going out on a limb here, but it's too scooped. You don't need to re-record. Just drop a parametric EQ in the guitar channel(s) and bump the mids on it. Try about a 3 to 6 db bump at around 800 Hz and make it a narrow band.