Expansion Question

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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2008
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Chicago, IL
I currently have the RM100C and wish there was a way I could have 5 or 6 modules ready to go at a time instead of just 3. Is there anything I can do besides switching to the RM4, which would only give me one more module?

Also, I currently have to use one of my modules as a "lead/solo" channel because there is no "lead'solo" switch. What does everyone else do for this? Is there a better way to go so I can use all 3 of my channels and just boost as needed?

Thanks in advance for any input or advice!

The E2 is supposed to be out soon and that will allow you to add 2 module slots and run along with the 3 in the RM100. Personally, I would just add a volume pedal, EQ, or some other type of boost to get the solo level. That is what I do.

Basically I have 3 modules loaded up and boost each one to take me someplace else. Almost like having 6 channels.
I went for an RM4 specifically because I wanted a solo channel.
I've done boosting and whatever, but it you have a specific channel set up for it you don't need that much volume boost, just a little + different EQ.
For me a lead channel should also have a different feel than rythm.
This all is of course dependant on your playing style and musical style. :)

Things you could consider:
- RM12, 12 modules at a time + a free hernia probably :lol:
- RM4 + something like a G-Labs midi loop, this lets you *add* the 4 channels to the current 3 (put preamp1 in loop1, preamp2 in loop2 and use midi to switch between the two + channels)
- E2, although that only adds 2/4 channels and is not out yet..

Personally I'd go for RM4+loop switcher.
It adds to the current set up without much problems, and it is best bang for the buck (midi looper by G-Lab is 80 Euro's, RM4 ... on here they're pretty well-priced)
:) Basically build your own E2 ;)
Here I thought I was okay running three modules. I run one bone clean, another for crunch and another for a lead. If I need more I have a tubescreamer. Done. Also I use an old fashioned germanium transistor treble booster for an entirely different set of tones.

So in all honesty you're fine with 3 channels. It's just GAS to have more.
Best way i could say to do 5 or 6 modules is with an AB box. You can daisy chain the footswtitch to control both amps and use your AB to pick which one to send the signal to. It is cheaper but more of a hassle than a MIDI setup. If you want to do this with two RM100's and one cab you will need something like a cab-bone.

As far as the second question i use 3 boosts. A boss orange distortion ( a classic) a tubescreamer, and a mesa v-twin. These effectively give me a plethora of sonic flexibility for just a few clams (ok the v twin was more than a few clams). Any of these are going to push any decent module into "lead" mode very effectively.

Peace, Joshua
Julia said:
Here I thought I was okay running three modules. I run one bone clean, another for crunch and another for a lead. If I need more I have a tubescreamer. Done. Also I use an old fashioned germanium transistor treble booster for an entirely different set of tones.

So in all honesty you're fine with 3 channels. It's just GAS to have more.
Well no, in all honesty you are fine with 3 channels.

I need:
- clean
- crunch (spanky funk crunch sound)
- heavy rythm (so reasonably high gain, but defined)
- smooth lead (slightly higher gain, totally different EQ)

I've had a 3 channel amp for ages, working with boosters, overdrives etc.
The sound from a well chosen and set up preamp is far superiour than a rythm sound mangled into lead..

Now this all applies to me, and a lot of other people.
On the other hand there are more than enough who only need 1 channel.
Everybody is different and needs his own setup, saying everybody should be fine with something because it is enough for you is a bit naive! ;)
- clean
- crunch (spanky funk crunch sound)
- heavy rythm (so reasonably high gain, but defined)
- smooth lead (slightly higher gain, totally different EQ)

this sounds like my gameplan, but the problem occurs when I go from Les Paul to Strat, that 2nd channel especially would change from a Plexi lite crunch to perhaps a bluesy Tweed
crankyrayhanky said:
- clean
- crunch (spanky funk crunch sound)
- heavy rythm (so reasonably high gain, but defined)
- smooth lead (slightly higher gain, totally different EQ)

this sounds like my gameplan, but the problem occurs when I go from Les Paul to Strat, that 2nd channel especially would change from a Plexi lite crunch to perhaps a bluesy Tweed

I have this exact problem, I use a vintage style strat and a souped up Ibanez S ;)

I must say I can find good sweet spots that work for both guitars with the MTS gear.
Much better than anything I've had before.

It might be an idea to slap a compressor in your chain to beef the strat up a bit more.
Not to turn it into an LP, that'd be useless but just to get them in the same output range.
mfshockey said:
I currently have the RM100C and wish there was a way I could have 5 or 6 modules ready to go at a time instead of just 3. Is there anything I can do besides switching to the RM4, which would only give me one more module?
A while back, Jeff Hilligan from Egnater posted that Egnater Amplification is willing to, for a fee of course, rewire the RM100 head so as to accept the dual-channel Egnater modules.

This may not quite be the answer that you're looking for, but then again, it might be. :)

The Tonebone Amp Switcher might also be what you're looking for. I'll be picking up one of these, but it's going to be to switch between the RM100 and a couple of different Ted Weber head kits that I plan on picking up and building. This is naturally an expensive proposition, however, it does save you from having to buy another cabinet to make sure there is sufficient load for your tube amp.

Good luck!
Nightdare said:
m0jo said:
- clean
- crunch (spanky funk crunch sound)
- heavy rythm (so reasonably high gain, but defined)
- smooth lead (slightly higher gain, totally different EQ)

Sounds like an RM4 to me

I am using an RM4.
So you are correct sir!

mfshockey: If you only need those 4 channels.. than an RM4 into the RM100c's preamp in should be fine right?
All this input has been great! Thanks to everyone who has replied!

I currently have a BBE Green Screamer and a Boss GE-7 EQ pedal. The BBE does a great drop "pushing" my sound and filling out the low and adding a touch of gain, etc but doesn't give me that "boost" i want for my solo channel. My Boss EQ pedal only boosts my "clean" channel. When I'm on my rhythm or lead channel and turn on the EQ pedal it doesn nothing to increase the sound. Does anyone else have this issue?

Basically I want a "clean" channel, a "crunch/fuzz" channel, 2 rhythm channels and a solo channel.

At the same time, I do a lot of moving around with my amp so it needs to be mobile as well.

m0jo, with the RM4 added to my RM100C preamp, would I then only have 4 channels or 7 channels?

mfshockey said:
All this input has been great! Thanks to everyone who has replied!

I currently have a BBE Green Screamer and a Boss GE-7 EQ pedal. The BBE does a great drop "pushing" my sound and filling out the low and adding a touch of gain, etc but doesn't give me that "boost" i want for my solo channel. My Boss EQ pedal only boosts my "clean" channel. When I'm on my rhythm or lead channel and turn on the EQ pedal it doesn nothing to increase the sound. Does anyone else have this issue?

Basically I want a "clean" channel, a "crunch/fuzz" channel, 2 rhythm channels and a solo channel.

At the same time, I do a lot of moving around with my amp so it needs to be mobile as well.

m0jo, with the RM4 added to my RM100C preamp, would I then only have 4 channels or 7 channels?


It depends how you wire it. Just adding an RM4, and linking the RM4's output to the RM100c's poweramp-in would give you 4 channels (only those of the RM4, since using the RM4 as an external preamp negates the RM100c's preamp)

My idea was: put the RM4 and the preamp section of the RM100c both in a looper.
This means you can choose which preamp you want to use, and basically gives you 7 channels ;)

On the boost:
Gainstages amplify the signal to a point where it and the next stage will clip due to very high signal levels.
If you send a low signal into it, it will just get boosted and clipped, leaving you with the same volume. ;)
There will be less gain though, since there's a lower signal and thus less clipping.

The clean channel has no gain/clipping, so there the volume boost will feed through.
Although you might notice if you turn the gain up it will have less effect.

If you want to use the GE7 as a volume boost you could put it in the serial effects loop.
The effects loops are after the gain stages, so the boost will give you an actual volume boost. :)