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Well-known member
May 8, 2008
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Our pal MattFig has an impressive disc from 2009- is that before mts? I think so...anyway, great tunes, but track #4 is particularly AWESOME!
I love that tune!
What was the sighnal chain? Doesn't matter, that was all songwriting, performance, and cool energy, but I am curious :D
Why thanks CrankyRay! The compliment is appreciated... Now to fess up...

The guitars on most of that CD were done with Line 6 Spider Valves and a Voodoo modded Crate Blue Voodoo 120...4x12s with V30s...I don't have any more Spider Valves but they were workable after major tweaking...But my Voodoo modded Crate is still very much a staple in my home studio...

Didn't have anything MTS available to me at the time and had an endorsement from Line 6...

The signal chain went: guitar>amp ... lol

Sincere thanks for the kind words!
Those Spider Valves were one of the best bang for the bucks out there. The first generation heads were blown out for $399 when the second versions were released. That was a lot of amp for very little cash. A fine backup it nothing else.
I agree with Rob. A lot of bang for the buck, even if a lot of the bang sucked. I sold an *** load of those Amps when I was working retail!! Even won one from line 6 once. Some guys (like Fig apparently, which isnt a surprise )got them to sound great, I just never could get a sound I love out of them. But then again I'm a shitty guitar player at best :/.

Where can one get this album that ray is speaking of?!
Which CD are we talking about? I have one, but Im' not sure it's the one you are speaking of.
I've always liked 'The Medicine Isn't Helping,' it speaks to me. :lol: It's pretty catchy as well. I dig it.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
That's funny. My girlfriend and I were just listening to some of those tunes last night. We totally dig the fig!!!
You rock man. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
I like it! Even made my wife check it out! lol Maybe if I ever buy a module off you I can buy a signed copy to be sent with the module?! :)
When I bought a Grail from Fig he included the CD The Medicine Isn't Helping. Time to put it in. Been awhile since I gave it a spin.
I'm lucky enough to own the The Medicine Isn't Helping CD! I stood in line for 23 hours and pushed incident women and children out of the way to get it...

OK, that didn't happen. Fig awesomely included it with my killer Erecto module but I really dig the tones and can't say enough good things about it!