!Finger Cut!

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Well-known member
May 8, 2008
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I had an incident this morning in the kitchen: frozen bagel, sharp cutco knife, a trip to Urgent Care, then to ER for 6 stitches.

Ok, so I should be fine, but for at least 10 days, I'm out of commission- the slice is on my left hand first finger next to the thumb. Ugggh, finally had some drummers lined up for audition, by the time I heal it's the holidays and I may as well close shop until January.

What to do? Maybe I'll work on my drum loops and mixes, TAB out everything....I feel restless.

On the bright side, I read this forum often this morning to pass the time while I awaited needles, thanks to all for the much needed GAS! Looks like I'll be here often this week..
hey cranky

i feel your pain. last friday i slammed a door into my right index finger.. cut huge deep gash. It's finally starting to heal up, but it did some nerve damage and I have probably altered my finger print for life...

I tried playing holding the pick with my thumb and middle finger... didn't works so well....
Wow...That sucks Ray...Hope you heal quickly!

I guess I'll share my old ******* story here to share in the misery...I can't feel the fingertip in my left pointer finger...I'm a right handed player so it's taken some getting used to... :) Neurologists, Chiropractors, blah blah blah...It's been fooking numb for 3 years... :lol:
Sorry to hear that, Ray. :shock:
Make sure you eat plenty of protein. It will help rebuild the tissue faster. Years ago I cut my index finger and middle finger open pretty bad on my left hand a couple of days before a gig on some broken glass. I couldn't play with them taped up so I Super Glued over the cuts. It was a trick I read about Flea from the Red Hot Chili Peppers doing. It still hurt a bit, but I got through the gig. The Super Glue has a bit of an anesthetic effect which helps, but the main thing is that is will keep the wound closed. My index finger partially popped back open about 3/4 through the 45min set, but it didn't really bleed too much. I have used Super Glue for more minor cuts and stuff and it works great. It's definitely better for more minor injuries. Sounds like you hacked yourself up pretty good. Heal up soon bro... :) :shock:
Thank you forum family
In the grand scheme not a big deal, but for today I am totally bummed out

In the future, I must respect the blade
crankyrayhanky said:
I had an incident this morning in the kitchen: frozen bagel, sharp cutco knife, a trip to Urgent Care, then to ER for 6 stitches.

Ok, so I should be fine, but for at least 10 days, I'm out of commission- the slice is on my left hand first finger next to the thumb. Ugggh, finally had some drummers lined up for audition, by the time I heal it's the holidays and I may as well close shop until January.

What to do? Maybe I'll work on my drum loops and mixes, TAB out everything....I feel restless.

On the bright side, I read this forum often this morning to pass the time while I awaited needles, thanks to all for the much needed GAS! Looks like I'll be here often this week..
So, how's the Cutco? :lol: I'm actually a seller and enthusiast myself. My girlfriend got bit by the spatula spreader and has a nasty scar on her finger from it. Poor girl's afraid of the thing now...
That Spatula is my favorite piece!
My enemy is the long flat end bread knife

Years ago, I had a friend who was a Cutco dealer
On more than 1 occassion he came home dripping in blood from the sales demonstrations- cut a tin can, cut a finger, ...
I sell cutco stuff too. Great knives but man are they scary! my dad licked a table knife once, but luckily I have been spared.
A while back my bass player got his left middle finger caught in a basketball goal and just messed up all the tendons in his hand, but he is the BEST bassist I know personally. You can't tell at all that his hand was messed up that bad
My index finger on my left hand has a numb tip. I did a dumb thing several years ago breaking up a dog fight. Never do that. It got sliced to the bone at the knuckle nearest the tip. No insurance at the time, so the ER was out. Just cleaned it and I stitched it myself. Did a good job of it, too. I think the stitches sometimes hurt more than the wound.

Super glue was designed for closing wounds. That was its original purpose.
Aah dude, a little warning would be cool there.

Anyways, it looks brutal .. but not completely (as in, it still looks like a finger :wink: )
How's the healing going?
crankyrayhanky said:
Holy ****...
You almost took your finger off.
If you Super Glue a couple of googly eyes above the wound it would look like a grim Tim Burton style smiley face.
BTW Julia, I didn't know that Super Glue was formulated to close wounds, but I guess that's why it works so stinking good. Nice factoid. Thanks. :wink:
a friend of mine cut the tip of his finger OFF. He went to the ER and they wouldn't stitch it so he went home and super-glued it back on. He still has the finger! He can't move the tip, but the finger is still living tissue!
It's always good to have glue with you on gigs....

once had a cut in one of the fingers of my left hand and the first 2 songs I thought it was the coke that I had on stage that I messed with and was sticky.....Then I realised that my fretboard was a little bit bloody and also found the cut. Don't ask me how I cut myself but anyway, put a drop of super glue on the cut and played a nice show =)
I just had to completely remove the strings and clean the fretboard as it was really messed up. Half dried blood can be a sticky ***** :D

Of course if you manage to cut yourself like Ray did at a show using only glue might not be so helpful....

Had my left wrist operated. 4 weeks no guitarplaying, driving, cycling, well almost anything that involves pushing or pulling something or whatever.....and I still can't angle my wrist the way I could before THANKS DOC

But anyway I keep trying and practising so.....
Ray I hope you'll be fine soon :wink:
You tried playing again or still letting the finger rest?
I tried playing with the remaining fingers...good practice for the other digits but overall a bad idea...stitches removed this Monday

Katash- how long has it been? Hopefully you get back 100%
4th of october..... -> 2 months...

I could angle my wrist about 90? before the surgery now its about 50?.
And the real problem is I can't make a fist when it's angled because then the tendons put pressure on the wrist and that hurst :?

I tried playing first about 3 weeks after and that was very limited as I couldn't angle it more than 10? - had to wear a splint....
Now it's ok except some pain especially when playing fast on E or A string (wrist angle)...

Thanks ray - I hope so but the doc said there might be a chance that it stays a little bit limited. But hey I can play more or less and as long as the pain wears off :D
So Katash,
Are they going to have you on a physical therapy program to get the range back in your wrist? Physical therapy can work wonders. My mom had carpal tunnel surgery on both of her wrists and she has full mobility now. Before physical therapy it was a bit of a challenge for her to do normal stuff like brush her hair. Hope you come back stronger than ever.

I am not worried about you Ray. That finger is going to heal up nicely and be even more fucking metal than before...Wounds heal and chicks dig scars... :D