First post: I have a few questions

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Dec 12, 2008
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I have been lurking here for about a month since I have been considering a Randall MTS head as my next amp. I know Juggernaut and JKD from Rig-Talk and they are big advocates for the MTS line and have already answered some of my questions. This looks like a great forum full of great info and sound clips.

I wanted to know how many of you guys use Randall cabs, and if so which ones? I figure if I am going to go with a Randall head, why not go for the matching cab. I am looking at the MTS 2x12 and 4x12 with Vintage 30s. Does anyone have any experience with these?

Yesterday I was headed to another part of town I normally don?t frequent so I hit a m&p shop that is sort of a Houston musical institution (oh yeah? I live in Houston, TX) and has been around for years. Their selection has dwindled a bit in recent years, but I saw they were a Randall dealer from the Randall website and thought I would check them out. They didn?t have any MTS gear, just a few solid state amps, so I asked if they normally carried the modular amps or planned on getting any. They said the Randall sales rep was just there yesterday showing off the RM100 and everyone there was blown away. So they are going to be ordering some heads and modules so I will FINALLY be able to hear these amps for myself as no one else in Houston carries them. They were asking me what modules I would be interested in. I think they could tell I?ve done my research and knew a bit more about the amp than they did. 8)
Using a Randall MTS cab...dunno which one (R412CB?) loaded with v30s and Hellatone 30s...I love it...has denisty and complexity to the tone, which I feel comes from the G12H30s...

It's not so laser beam like as a lot of cabs ... I sold my ENGL and MESA cabs...think the Randall sounds better....might not have the clarity of the ENGL and not the same wallop but the overall tone is just more balanced.
That's what I want; balance. I also don't want something SUPER directional. I'm the only guitar player in my band so the sound has got to spread out a bit.
Everlone said:
That's what I want; balance. I also don't want something SUPER directional. I'm the only guitar player in my band so the sound has got to spread out a bit.
In the short time ive spent with my rm100, i have noticed that the rm100 is extremely focused sounding. making any closed back cab paired with it very directional. Im told a tranny upgrade can fix that.
droptrd said:
Everlone said:
That's what I want; balance. I also don't want something SUPER directional. I'm the only guitar player in my band so the sound has got to spread out a bit.
In the short time ive spent with my rm100, i have noticed that the rm100 is extremely focused sounding. making any closed back cab paired with it very directional. Im told a tranny upgrade can fix that.

I'm fine with a focused sounding amp, but I'd like the cab to have some play. Maybe the 2x12 with the removable back portion would be my best option.