First problem with RM100 sorta

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May 8, 2007
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Okay so my band did this gig the other week.. we got a good crowd response but personally I wasn't happy with it.. The stage, firstly is so small so I was quite close to my amp (which may be why I had my problem)

Anyway During our soundcheck my amp was just a constant squeak unless I turned my pickup volume off or played.. I tried turning down the gain, volume everything.. and it helped turning down the volume although then it became impossible to hear or mic.. I also thought maybe it was the mic too close to the cab causing it to feedback but that wasn't it either..

I'm considering buying a sound compressor I think it is? Someone suggested something like that. but mm, I think maybe I was just too close at too high a volume. Not to worry.

I've had great times at other venues though and it hasn't let me down.
probably the pickups in your guitar feeding back from such close proximity to a high gain amp. It's not a problem just with RM100s, you'll find that happening with any high gain amp most likely when used the same way.


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