For Whom the Bell Tolls with UltraXL

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Dec 1, 2008
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I was doing this the other day to test out the UltraXL, I was only planning on doing the first part but the song is so short I just went ahead and did the whole thing. I realize it isn't perfect and a harmony guitar is missing/etc, but it wasn't supposed to be perfect. Took me about 3 hours to do.

The thing that I liked about it is that is a stock UltraXL, no mods at all, with no EQ pedals or ANY pedals for that matter.

It has an impressive sound straight out of the box.

(oh and I know I can't sing, it's just in there to make the song sound complete)

Done with my Gibson Explorer 84 Reissue (EMG 81/60)and my ESP LTD M-400 (EMG 81/60) for the little "solo" sections.
Not bad.....your mike sounds like it's a little out of phase and the gain could come down a tad.....otherwise good job.. 8)
I'd like to listen, but I'm getting what sounds like a tape unwinding and notes in between that - and a lot of clicking, I dunno what's going on. From what I could hear though it's a nice tone.
shred-o-holic said:
Not bad.....your mike sounds like it's a little out of phase and the gain could come down a tad.....otherwise good job.. 8)

What exactly do you mean "out of phase." I feel like I have never been totally satisified with micing a cabinet, as I normally record direct via stereo XLR cables with my Prophesy II.

The mic I have is a Sennheiser e609 Silver Dynamic microphone, and it's placed at the top right speaker on my Mesa Boogie Rectifier 4x12 cabinet. It's running to a Lexicon Lambda, and from there, into my PC via USB.

Let me know if you think there is a way to make it sound better because I'd LOVE to be able to get it better.

No, the playback sounds jumpy/stuttery and there are pitch jumps - like the mp3 got regularly interrupted in the encoding process...
Decerto said:
I'd like to listen, but I'm getting what sounds like a tape unwinding and notes in between that - and a lot of clicking, I dunno what's going on. From what I could hear though it's a nice tone.

I agree, listen to the song. It has some really grotesque audio fragments interrupting the song quite frequently. It sounds pretty descent, but it's hard to enjoy the song with the audio fragments there.
Okay I don't understand why it's breaking up for you guys, I can hear it just fine. Let me try uploading the MP3 to a different place and then linking it and see if it's different.
Okay try downloading it from here:
SlickEnz said:
shred-o-holic said:
Not bad.....your mike sounds like it's a little out of phase and the gain could come down a tad.....otherwise good job.. 8)

What exactly do you mean "out of phase." I feel like I have never been totally satisified with micing a cabinet, as I normally record direct via stereo XLR cables with my Prophesy II.

The mic I have is a Sennheiser e609 Silver Dynamic microphone, and it's placed at the top right speaker on my Mesa Boogie Rectifier 4x12 cabinet. It's running to a Lexicon Lambda, and from there, into my PC via USB.

Let me know if you think there is a way to make it sound better because I'd LOVE to be able to get it better.


Out of phase literally leads to this "phase" type of effect that you can hear.....they best way to eliminate this is by positioning the mike until the sound is less apparent.....using two on the cone and one on the edge of the speaker is best if you can......not a fan of the E609.....I use two SM 57's myself......another way if you were going direct would be to use cabinet impulses that can be had on a number of forums....for example Andy Sneap's forum..
shred-o-holic said:
SlickEnz said:
shred-o-holic said:
Not bad.....your mike sounds like it's a little out of phase and the gain could come down a tad.....otherwise good job.. 8)

What exactly do you mean "out of phase." I feel like I have never been totally satisified with micing a cabinet, as I normally record direct via stereo XLR cables with my Prophesy II.

The mic I have is a Sennheiser e609 Silver Dynamic microphone, and it's placed at the top right speaker on my Mesa Boogie Rectifier 4x12 cabinet. It's running to a Lexicon Lambda, and from there, into my PC via USB.

Let me know if you think there is a way to make it sound better because I'd LOVE to be able to get it better.


Out of phase literally leads to this "phase" type of effect that you can hear.....they best way to eliminate this is by positioning the mike until the sound is less apparent.....using two on the cone and one on the edge of the speaker is best if you can......not a fan of the E609.....I use two SM 57's myself......another way if you were going direct would be to use cabinet impulses that can be had on a number of forums....for example Andy Sneap's forum..

Interesting, I've never tried micing with two microphones. I ordered a pair of the SM 57's so I'll try it out.

How do you do yours? I mean what program do you use and how do you do it?

Like for instance, the way I do mine is with Sonar 7, I play the parts twice, and I pan one channel to about 50% Left and one part 50% right. If I use only one track in center it sounds way too weak, so I've done the two tracks panned now for a long time.

Any suggestions?

SlickEnz said:
shred-o-holic said:
SlickEnz said:
shred-o-holic said:
Not bad.....your mike sounds like it's a little out of phase and the gain could come down a tad.....otherwise good job.. 8)

What exactly do you mean "out of phase." I feel like I have never been totally satisified with micing a cabinet, as I normally record direct via stereo XLR cables with my Prophesy II.

The mic I have is a Sennheiser e609 Silver Dynamic microphone, and it's placed at the top right speaker on my Mesa Boogie Rectifier 4x12 cabinet. It's running to a Lexicon Lambda, and from there, into my PC via USB.

Let me know if you think there is a way to make it sound better because I'd LOVE to be able to get it better.


Out of phase literally leads to this "phase" type of effect that you can hear.....they best way to eliminate this is by positioning the mike until the sound is less apparent.....using two on the cone and one on the edge of the speaker is best if you can......not a fan of the E609.....I use two SM 57's myself......another way if you were going direct would be to use cabinet impulses that can be had on a number of forums....for example Andy Sneap's forum..

Interesting, I've never tried micing with two microphones. I ordered a pair of the SM 57's so I'll try it out.

How do you do yours? I mean what program do you use and how do you do it?

Like for instance, the way I do mine is with Sonar 7, I play the parts twice, and I pan one channel to about 50% Left and one part 50% right. If I use only one track in center it sounds way too weak, so I've done the two tracks panned now for a long time.

Any suggestions?


No prob at all........I use a free recording program called's great......I use my two '57's into a cheaper Behringer mixer and sent that into my Line 6 Toneport UX1 into the USB......I also pan my stuff usually 75 percent left and right.....
SlickEnz said:
Okay try downloading it from here:

Sounded fine from the downloading. Pretty good job. :)
Rellik said:
SlickEnz said:
Okay try downloading it from here:

Sounded fine from the downloading. Pretty good job. :)

Yeah, sounded great there, and the singing wasn't as bad as you made it out to be either.
Thanks guys, I'm glad it's working now. I have NO IDEA why it was breaking up for all of you. Very weird.
I just did a very short clip with my Grail trying out the panning to 75% left and right. Do you still hear a phase sound?;12556980;/fileinfo.html
Had some trouble getting that one to play, had to open it in Audacity. I like the tone but I personally think it needs a little more bass. :D