Framus Cobra Module

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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
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Lotus1 and I have been bouncing mods off of each other and he mentioned doing a Framus module. So I started working on the prototype. Based on the XTC module but highly modified to get rid of the fender style tone stack. Anyway here is a clip of the first try at the Cobra.

Another clip Schecter Syn Custom

Dry clip Ibanez w EMG85
I've never heard a Cobra but I really like what you're doing....the Ultra mod you did sounded great and so does this one.
Thanks guys here is another clip i worked up tonight.
not to bust anyones balls.

but this does not sound like the cobra in any way.

cobra is drier and tighter.

more like a odd rectifier.

def not cobra here.

i own one ;)
You know here's an idea that might be heretical.... if you find a good sound go with it. It might not sound like a Framus Cobra. It might not sound anything like it, but if it sounds good and does what you want, slap your own name on it and go with it. Maybe call it your Rattler.

Does it really have to sound exactly like another amp already on the market? Chances are it's going to sound close to one of them anyway.

FWIW your first demo was better. The second one had no cut, way too scooped, and drowned out by the drum track.
PD-Baraka said:
not to bust anyones balls.

but this does not sound like the cobra in any way.

cobra is drier and tighter.

more like a odd rectifier.

def not cobra here.

i own one ;)

Your not busting my balls bro. You are 100% right. So much makes up the tone of an amp including the guitar played through it and the cab its connected to. I have been tracking a band in our live room all week so my uberkab was miced up for them and I didnt want to change anything just to record a sound clip. So the the first 2 clips are an sm57 on the g12t75 side of the cab. The other factor is the rm100 I have has a modified front end and back that is switchable between a bogner style and a mesa input as well as the phase inverter resistor values are switchable between bogner and mesa. These clips were recorded in the Bogner mode so the bass is flabby I totally agree, but like I said I didnt want to adjust anything just to record clips. In any case today I was free so I moved the mic to the V30 side of the Uberkab and added another 57 to mix off axis. Switched the rm100 back to mesa mode. Recorded a single dry track. This is as close as I can get to the Cobras true sound. Signal chain Ibanez with EMG 85 in bridge, 2 sm57's, Neve 1073 on axis, Neve 1081 Off axis both through GML 8200 and empirical labs distressor EL-8s
Sound click above is really "nice", very focused in the low end which is one thing I remember liking about the Cobra I used to own.
It's been too long gone for me to honestly compare this clip to the real thing (and with the other varying factors very difficult also).
Also, although I don't understand the desire to nail another amp I personally think that module you worked on sounds great.
Now that kicks ***

fearnloathing said:
PD-Baraka said:
not to bust anyones balls.

but this does not sound like the cobra in any way.

cobra is drier and tighter.

more like a odd rectifier.

def not cobra here.

i own one ;)

Your not busting my balls bro. You are 100% right. So much makes up the tone of an amp including the guitar played through it and the cab its connected to. I have been tracking a band in our live room all week so my uberkab was miced up for them and I didnt want to change anything just to record a sound clip. So the the first 2 clips are an sm57 on the g12t75 side of the cab. The other factor is the rm100 I have has a modified front end and back that is switchable between a bogner style and a mesa input as well as the phase inverter resistor values are switchable between bogner and mesa. These clips were recorded in the Bogner mode so the bass is flabby I totally agree, but like I said I didnt want to adjust anything just to record clips. In any case today I was free so I moved the mic to the V30 side of the Uberkab and added another 57 to mix off axis. Switched the rm100 back to mesa mode. Recorded a single dry track. This is as close as I can get to the Cobras true sound. Signal chain Ibanez with EMG 85 in bridge, 2 sm57's, Neve 1073 on axis, Neve 1081 Off axis both through GML 8200 and empirical labs distressor EL-8s
"I have has a modified front end and back that is switchable between a bogner style and a mesa input as well as the phase inverter resistor values are switchable between bogner and mesa."

Just wondering how much work it would entail to mod the phase inverter stage as you did. I like the idea of Bogner p.i. values as I'm quite fond of a plump, loose bottom end (can't believe I just wrote that), and usually hit both the pi and power tubes hard to achieve it.
Also, out of curiosity, how does the Mesa p.i. sound compared to the stock Randall one? The Randall power circuit seems super tight to me, would you say tighter than the Mesa?
deadcat said:
"I have has a modified front end and back that is switchable between a bogner style and a mesa input as well as the phase inverter resistor values are switchable between bogner and mesa."

Just wondering how much work it would entail to mod the phase inverter stage as you did. I like the idea of Bogner p.i. values as I'm quite fond of a plump, loose bottom end (can't believe I just wrote that), and usually hit both the pi and power tubes hard to achieve it.
Also, out of curiosity, how does the Mesa p.i. sound compared to the stock Randall one? The Randall power circuit seems super tight to me, would you say tighter than the Mesa?

Its alot of work. Honestly if I had to do it all over again I would have just bought another head and set them up differently. Its all contolled via relays I made 2 new boards for the circuits. I am still working the bugs out which is why I didnt want to mess with changing anything while tracking was going on. Mesa uses a pretty straight forward PI circuit which is almost the same as Randalls. Bogner however loves to use inductors in his amps, and in my opinion is alot of their sound. Randalls power supply is super tight, but I guess it has to be when you try to please everyone with the modules. The power tubes run at 500volts which is pretty high when it comes to modern high gain amps, but they run the module tubes at 320 volts which is pretty low compared to alot of modern high gainers. If you want to loosen up the powersection I would throw a sag resistor in there say 100ohm 20watt power resistor is a good starting point. This would go between the rectifier and first filter cap. It can be complicated since you have to cut traces off the board and the voltage stored in those caps will kill you if you dont discharge them properly. So this is not a mod to take lightly. Most good amp techs will do it for you if you want. This can be put on a dpdt switch so you can go between a tight powersection and a saggy one. Hope that helps some hit me with a pm if you want more info.
sounds good to me just switch the bridge pu with an 81 and you got the tone of kse....right now it sounds real thick and i think thats because the 85 is that way. The sound matters all the way to your hand so never say that the amp isnt right, its all kinds of things from the player to the cables to the amp and speakers. If it was me i would put that 85 back in the neck position and 81 in the bridge and try it. but kse is only one tone that amp can cover so im only speaking for that tone but i think you have nailed it....just my two bits.