Gigmods Tweed

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Well-known member
May 8, 2008
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Cranky cannot live by Metal's a tune I wrote and recorded today

Yngwie Strat >rm100 6L6s for 2 rhythms
>rm20 for the lead
I like the sound of that Tweed module, dude! Nice light distortion going on there. Cool tune, too - screaming for some vocals or lead action ;)
Sounds great, I really dig the whole vibe of the tune. The tone is killer. Reminds me of something that would have been off of the first bush album.

How did you do the drums/bass?
Thanks for the kind words.
The tune is at my singer's house; hopefully he hears something to create the vox.

I don't know the Bush album, but I know the hits Everything Zen?...hmmm I'll have to check the whole disc out.

I think I can still improve the tone a bit- maybe the rhythms are hi end spikey? Or maybe I'm just so used to Les Paul crunch? It seemed to smooth out after the mastering process, so maybe it's ok.
The lead is a too smooth in the beginning, than hits spikey points. I could reamp, but since it was off the cuff I should just try to execute the performance better, maybe not go so aggressive and keep it nicer.

The bass was my Ibanez soundgear 5 string into a 6176 direct. I could play with the tone and try to de-mud it some, but I wasn't thrilled with the performance anyway, so I'll track again. Retrack- that seems to be my theme, lol

The drums are from Discrete Drums, I love them. This particular sample really has great sound as is
I kinda like the tone. Not too spikey for me. If anything, maybe drop the gain a little? It seems to me that it could be a little cleaner. That's just me though.

Maybe a cab sim for the bass? That helps me out a lot, but I not very fond of direct bass sound.
If anything, maybe drop the gain a little?
Yes, I had the gain at about 11 oclock, but maybe just a tweak less would help...I do like it to have some dirt though.

a cab sim for the bass? That helps me out a lot, but I not very fond of direct bass sound.
I usually like to mike up my bass cabs- including throwing a 57 on the tweeter ala Korn. But I haven't done that on the last few projects, just went direct for the sake of time.