Go buy a kill-pot, all of you!!

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Well-known member
Sep 29, 2008
Reaction score
The Netherlands
I just bought and installed a Shadow kill-pot, I was going to write a raving story here..
But I wont, just buy one, it rocks! :D
For a moment I thought that was a late night "medicinal" suggestion, lol

What makes it so great?
I do miss how awesome the potonometers were on my Jem & UV- these Gibson potnometers don't have the same smoothness or reliablility, not even close...so I may be in the market, I love volume swells
Haha, nah man, just a pot that will change your life! :lol:

I've tried a lot of things: mini swithes, LP style switches, pushbuttons .. all died at some point.
Of those the pushbutton worked best in mechanical terms, but it gave popping noises everytime I switched..

In short: the kill-pot feels very sturdy and there are no weird noises.
It works just like the pushbutton, but it's in a farmiliar place, so I can find it blindly now :D
It is way overpriced for what it is.. but for me it was worth it at the moment because I can't have a switch fail on me during a gig...

The action of the pot is very smooth, it's a bit smoother than I'm used to.
I don't use it for volume swells, I just throw it to zero during breaks or when putting down my guitar.
Another cool thing is that there's a litle click to the fully-on position, to help it stay there when you're going crazy on the switch.
It's not so much a click as more a very slight magnetic pull (< what they said in the marketing crap is actually accurate this time) .. you can very very easily move it with the weakest of pinky's ;)

It's actually quite logical when you look at push-pull pots all over the place...
again :) I bought killswitch last week 8)
for my new crazy guitar project....
I have this big "buckethead" one..... cheap and good.
hyenik said:
again :) I bought killswitch last week 8)
for my new crazy guitar project....
I have this big "buckethead" one..... cheap and good.
Tried it .. killed it.

And no, I'm not one of those people that handle their gear rough.
I will murder anyone who even points at my guitars ;)
I'd gladly have a plastic behringer pedal in the board, because I know I wouldn't break it. Too bad they sound like utter ****. ;)
I will try this thing out. I was curious about it and you are the first person that I have heard other than endorsees to give it such glowing reviews. I just need to figure out what ax to put it on. I'll probably put it on one of my guitars that doesn't have a Tonestyler in the tone knob spot. I find tone knobs to be a little limited. For volume and tone pots there is nothing better than Alessandro.The taper, the range, the pure quality feel is just perfect. They are manufactured to extremely tight tolerances.
If you got a nice guitar that you really love and you want serious high-end or NOS these guys in Canada are the ones to talk to. Check em' out they make a killer Les Paul or other Gibson wiring harness like this:

You don't see caps like that too often anymore... If you like to use your volume knob to get a clean up effect with a good tube amp, this is the pot you want to use. A Kill Pot and an Alessandro volume might be just the ticket for some new sounds. I am looking for a candidate for transplant surgery now.
I will definitely check this out. I replaced my pots when my knob snapped off while I was playing. I have a DiMarzio and a Bourns in my Dean, but while the Dimarzio isn't bad the Bourns is very scratchy. I have been looking for something new, just not looking very hard. so you think that the KillSwitch is best for volume? and the Alessandro does great things with the tone knob?

I am entertaining the idea of starting a music shop around here. We have a rather saturated area, but everywhere I have taken my guitar I have had to fix my wiring and Shinozoku has had to fix my intonation, so I would like to bring a higher class of work to the area. These may be something neat to offer.

~Da Business Hat
MadHatter_Lurch said:
I will definitely check this out. I replaced my pots when my knob snapped off while I was playing. I have a DiMarzio and a Bourns in my Dean, but while the Dimarzio isn't bad the Bourns is very scratchy. I have been looking for something new, just not looking very hard. so you think that the KillSwitch is best for volume? and the Alessandro does great things with the tone knob?

I am entertaining the idea of starting a music shop around here. We have a rather saturated area, but everywhere I have taken my guitar I have had to fix my wiring and Shinozoku has had to fix my intonation, so I would like to bring a higher class of work to the area. These may be something neat to offer.

~Da Business Hat

I say we run a fund raiser table at all the local shows we can for the local musicians, get a donation to raise some money to buy out a place already in existence? That way we're not "just another music shop opening". God, how many do we have in Bristol alone? *counts* Including the one in the mall, we have 6 that I can think of. Would be cool to bring a couple of the better ones together under one roof in a convenient area....
****, it's morning. I just woke up. I thought this said killer pot. But it was about electronics. Bummer.
Julia said:
****, it's morning. I just woke up. I thought this said killer pot. But it was about electronics. Bummer.
What?? Oh man...I brought Funyons, grape soda, Cheetos and a hookah.. :lol:
:lol: Daryl, you're stealing all my opportunities to post hilarious pictures with smartass comments!

Cheers, Julia :) By the way, your comment about George Lynch made it to my sig on Ultimate Guitar :p

Julia said:
Lynch uses different stuff now. He's still chasing tone. He hasn't realized that no matter what he plays he's still going to sound like George Lynch.