Good speakers for Randall gear?

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Mar 19, 2010
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Hello Randall board....

I am new here but recently picked up a Randall NXT cab and an RM 100 head. I also have various other heads from various manufacturers. I have V30s in the Randall cab and I hate V30s.

Can anyone recommend a nice speaker set for the Randall?
I prefer vintage tones.
WGS ET-65 ... I like 'em mixed with a v30 but 2 on their own is great...

..could go complete vintage and mix an ET-65 with a Green Beret
Thanks. What type of tone do you get out of the ET65s in the Randall cab? How are the lows, mids and highs? What is the quality like? I was considering some Eminence Super Vs.
I have an WGS ET65 in an Avatar 212 paired with a Celestion V30 and the sound is so full and awesome. I definitely can suggest that.

The ET65 is a a copy of the Celestion G12-65. It has a pretty tight low end, however the rest of the spectrum it shares more in common tonally with the Greenback or G12h-30 with out the early speaker breakup. They still have plenty of mids and crunch up really nice in mid to high gain tones.

If it helps at all the original G12-65 was used in the Marshall JCM800 cabs.