Help me decide on some new mods

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The Rossness

Well-known member
Oct 6, 2008
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Its been a while since I've had an mts amp, but I think I'm going to come back into the fold. I used to have a RM100, rm100C and a RM20C and a mess of modules. I sold everything in the rough economy, but now that i'm doing a little better, I think I'm coming back. Anyway, there are a few modules I'm having trouble deciding between and wanted some help choosing the best modules. I'm mainly looking at the salvation stuff and a few stock mods. Generally, I like more of a marshall-esque sound, but with lots of gain. For those of you who've played the mods, could you tell me what you thought of them

Salvation modules-
Benzin (channel 3/4 of a Diezel would be cool to have)
Rockerverb module
Marsh-oldano or the Marsh-All+ or the SLO
CAE or Krank or Angel
Matchvox or Lonestar

Also, about how much does it cost to have a module modded?

I'm also considering a few stock mods- 1086 (it was my favorite when I had my MTS), Judge and 1987. How do these modules compare?

I'd appreciate some help in deciding what modules to get.
The Salvo Stonerverb (Orange) is a super awesome module...I'm reamping some tracks now and the Stonerverb is giving me brutal rhythms, groovy dirt, and warm mid filled solo smoothness, all attainable with the dials. The best part is the clarity, many modules can deliver all of the above, but the hi gain brutality and articulation is wonderful on this piece.

Truth is, all of the module syou listed have their strengths..I never played the Mash-All, but have a Masholdano incoming. the Benzin was a bit dry for my tastes, for others it may be perfect

Welcome back!
I will never part with my Benzin, nails the Tool and Muse type tones you expect a Diezel to. Wish i had never traded my Stonerverb, super versatile, super clean to super brutal all wiht great Brit style clarity, have an H-Watt being built as we speak, and can't wait. I like the Mashall + but wouldn't mind trading it for another Stonerverb. but don't forget guys like Jaded Faith and Sacred Groove, I love his Tweed, Mark-X, VHT, and Matchvox modules, right up there with salvation mods in my opinion, maybe a bit warmer too (and less expensive than salvation mods.)

As far as price goes, hit them up and they'll happily send you price lists and help you make up your mind, they are all very friendly and helpful.
Ok, I just picked up a mash all+ so that should cover my marshall tones. And I've been narrowing down my search. I'm still looking at a few salvation mods (SLO Lux, Terrier and custom3, MV). How does the Terrier compare to the JF VHT? Is there a hi-gain module with tons of clarity? Maybe something along the lines of a VHT/ Blackstar 200?
High gain module with lots of clarity IMHO would be JF Mark X or Salvation Angel...Though now that you have a Mashall+ I would suggest the Mark X as it's much more different in tone from the Mashall+...The Angel is its own thing too but sounds much closer to Marshall than anything else to my ear...SG's Diablo is great too...
The jf vht I had, had plenty of gain will being super tight and articulate, sounded like a sig:x I once played.. Never tried the terrier but would love to. Another would be the salvation angel. Lots of tone options and from the clips I've heard, super tight. The difference in the two would be the vht tone is more dry and direct, where engle tone is a little more wet and saturated.
Any salvation module has a plenty of gain and clarity,as well as being fairly quiet,especially if you score one with a gain....the Mashall has a ton in the jvm red mode..alomost too is very hard to keep quiet and Im not a gain junkie.,,it is very much like a real JVM in that respect....but alot of teh salvos actually have more clarity than the amps they emmulate,like the S1SO(5150 clone)Deadplate(recto)...etc.....the other modders stuff has been hit or miss in my experience and the reviews are the same....across the board you cannot go wrong with a salvo,gonna cost more,but you are more like;y going to hang onto it longer as well....but all of the modders make cool stuff....Sacred Groove has a more limited stock,but his stuff is top shelf as well....
agreed the S1S0 actually has more clarity than the 5150, lol
I had a choice at one time to buy a decent 5150 locally but instead chose the Salvation- never looked back!
crankyrayhanky said:
The Salvo Stonerverb (Orange) is a super awesome module...
^^^ +1

While it's only a single-channel module, the Stonerverb is always one of the 4 modules I have in my live rig; even though a majority of my modules are dual-channel. I'll be curious to see if the Salvo Custom 3 I'm getting Monday changes that . . .
What music are you planning to play with it?
A Stonerverb would be an awesome addition, but if you want something tighter the Angel or Salvado would be just as awesome.

Have you thought of the Xtacy? That is an awesome marshally tone too! :D
m0jo said:
What music are you planning to play with it?
A Stonerverb would be an awesome addition, but if you want something tighter the Angel or Salvado would be just as awesome.

Have you thought of the Xtacy? That is an awesome marshally tone too! :D

stonerverb can be suprsingly tight if you want it to be...I found it to be better than the Angel in some applications..more versatile than the anbgel with the lower gain side as well..........but they are all great....
Just rereading your original post:
The Rossness said:
Salvation modules-
Benzin (channel 3/4 of a Diezel would be cool to have)
Rockerverb module
Marsh-oldano or the Marsh-All+ or the SLO
CAE or Krank or Angel
Matchvox or Lonestar
Except for the MatchVOX, after listening to the clips I'm most intrigued by the Mash-oldano, with the H-Watt a close second. That being said, my EG5 is on the way to the Czech Republic to be converted into a dual MatchVOX, as the MatchVOX clips blew me away most of all.
alowerdeep said:
m0jo said:
What music are you planning to play with it?
A Stonerverb would be an awesome addition, but if you want something tighter the Angel or Salvado would be just as awesome.

Have you thought of the Xtacy? That is an awesome marshally tone too! :D

stonerverb can be suprsingly tight if you want it to be...I found it to be better than the Angel in some applications..more versatile than the anbgel with the lower gain side as well..........but they are all great....
True, but when you're going drop-C speedriffing .. an Angel might be better due to it's voicing, but that's 100% opinion too.

I think I would go for a Stonerverb too (actually thinking of getting one now) for some more fatness.
Edit: nevermind, Anthony talked be into a Shiver w/ Facelift mod! :D
m0jo said:
What music are you planning to play with it?
A Stonerverb would be an awesome addition, but if you want something tighter the Angel or Salvado would be just as awesome.

Have you thought of the Xtacy? That is an awesome marshally tone too! :D

Typically, I play hard rock/ hair band stuff as well as ska/ punk/ alternative.My favorite guitarist is Lynch and my rhythm work tends to have a bit of his vibe. My leads are smooth and melodic and I tend to do a lot of sweep picking as I've never been great at doing the super fast pentatonic runs up and down the fretboard. I play in standard tuning on my 4 Charvel's and I tune down a full step on my es-335 copy.

I'm actually in the midst of putting a new band together that includes a horn section. Hopefully, it'll all work out.

I've had a long list of amps, but mainly I've been playing on an Orange RV100- it sounds great for alt. rock, but bad for the hair band stuff. I'll throw an eq in the fx loop to scoop the mids, but then it just sounds weird. I find it to be too fat and I want something that still has lots of mids, but my orange just has too much middle, which I don't care for. I do love the clean/ dirty clean channel which my orange has. Does any mod imitate the orange clean sound? Would there be any module that's a cross between a Matchless and a Clean orange type sound?

I haven't looked into the ectasy. I've never been into bogner's much. I had an EVH 5153 and main channel was a crossbreed of a XTC blue and an SLO. I loved the SLO sound, but hated the XTC sound, so I'm not looking for anything bogner. I do like the SLO tone for leads, which is why I'm thinking about the Salvado Deluxe. I played a friend's SLO once and it nailed the lynch thing better than the Mr. Scary or Brahma mods i used to own.

I'll have to check out the Angel. The ENGL SE is one of the best amps I've ever played through, so maybe the angel is worth a second look. I'll look into the mesa mark mods as well.

can anyone comment on a custom3?
Okay then, for me the XTC just screams hairmetal (one of my fav styles too)
The Salvado also does it **** good, especially the Lynchy stuff (with or without overdrive added for some stuff).
I saw a nice vid of the Custom 3 a few months ago, I think it was posted on this forum.
It had the Dave/Marty switch and I was very tempted to get one because it sounded awesome!
Never played one though :cry:
The Rossness said:
Typically, I play hard rock/ hair band stuff as well as ska/ punk/ alternative.My favorite guitarist is Lynch and my rhythm work tends to have a bit of his vibe. My leads are smooth and melodic and I tend to do a lot of sweep picking as I've never been great at doing the super fast pentatonic runs up and down the fretboard. I play in standard tuning on my 4 Charvel's and I tune down a full step on my es-335 copy.
I haven't looked into the ectasy. I've never been into bogner's much. I had an EVH 5153 and main channel was a crossbreed of a XTC blue and an SLO. I loved the SLO sound, but hated the XTC sound, so I'm not looking for anything bogner. I do like the SLO tone for leads, which is why I'm thinking about the Salvado Deluxe. I played a friend's SLO once and it nailed the lynch thing better than the Mr. Scary or Brahma mods i used to own.
If I were in your spot and looking for a Salvation mod, I would definately get a Salvado Deluxe. It has plenty of range and adjustability. That will come in handy when switching guitars and recording. It is the highest rated module of all time, from what I have seen and read. It also has the highest resale value. It is a must have in the rigs of the most picky tone junkies on this forum as well. I just don't think that you can go wrong with it. Especially if you are a fan of the SLO tones. I got one in the works right now and I can hardly wait to get my hands on it.
Daryl said:
The Rossness said:
Typically, I play hard rock/ hair band stuff as well as ska/ punk/ alternative.My favorite guitarist is Lynch and my rhythm work tends to have a bit of his vibe. My leads are smooth and melodic and I tend to do a lot of sweep picking as I've never been great at doing the super fast pentatonic runs up and down the fretboard. I play in standard tuning on my 4 Charvel's and I tune down a full step on my es-335 copy.
I haven't looked into the ectasy. I've never been into bogner's much. I had an EVH 5153 and main channel was a crossbreed of a XTC blue and an SLO. I loved the SLO sound, but hated the XTC sound, so I'm not looking for anything bogner. I do like the SLO tone for leads, which is why I'm thinking about the Salvado Deluxe. I played a friend's SLO once and it nailed the lynch thing better than the Mr. Scary or Brahma mods i used to own.
If I were in your spot and looking for a Salvation mod, I would definately get a Salvado Deluxe. It has plenty of range and adjustability. That will come in handy when switching guitars and recording. It is the highest rated module of all time, from what I have seen and read. It also has the highest resale value. It is a must have in the rigs of the most picky tone junkies on this forum as well. I just don't think that you can go wrong with it. Especially if you are a fan of the SLO tones. I got one in the works right now and I can hardly wait to get my hands on it.

I'm going to buy a Salvado Deluxe. I have the MashAll+ and used to have a MV. Anthony does great work, IMO. That said, when I place my order, I'm going to by multiple modules from him. I have a few that I still can't decide between, which is why I haven't placed an order yet. I keep going back and fourth between the mods I like, which are the Terrier, Mark series, CAE. Then I remember that I need a clean module too.

I've heard the Mark series clean, which makes me think that maybe it could double as a clean module and also as a lead tone on the distorted end of things. I also liked Mattfigg's demo of the JF super clean, and I might like that for cleans too.

Then I remember that besides the Marshall and SLO tones, I'd like another lead tone just for me. When I've played a mark 5, the distorted tones weren't exactly my cup of tea, but it did do nice cleans, so that's the tradeoff there. I'm afraid the Terrier will sound too much like a Mash all+ and there won't be a huge difference. The Custom3 I'm not sure of. I played a CAE OD-100SE+ once and it sounded Huge and did clean's nicley, that's why I'm considering the C3.

There are other mods that I think are kind of cool. The Phish is cool, but I've never been a bogner guy. The Benzin is cool, but not, since the RM series power amp and Diezel's are different. The S1S0 = my on and off love hate relationship with a 5150. They sound nice for leads, but muddy and mushy for chords (i'm not the Chugga- chugga modern metal guy who loves 5150's)

So, I'm still going back and fourth and still looking to be guided in the right direction as to what to do.
Since you asked, I quite liked the "Dave" channel of the Custom 3. It sounded like a super-tight and angry Marshall, with great harmonic overtones. (The "Marty" channel was a bit scooped and dark for my tastes, but others here seem to have liked it.) Just be sure your technique is up to snuff, as it's not at all forgiving.

All in all, I preferred the Angel for this type of "Marshall on steroids" tone.