How do I set up this half stack with only one module?

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Well-known member
Feb 19, 2008
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so I have a problem I have never owned a half stack before and I recently bought the RM100M with only an ULTRA module Im also trying to set it up to a R412XLT100 and the problem Im having im not even hearing any good gain at all coming from the ultra but im wondering if its because I only have one module and its not mixed up with the other 2 thats making this a prob. I also ordered the XTC and BLACKFACE modules would it make the ultra work? or is it something wrong with how I set it up?[/b]
You can run one module without any others without any problems, it's essentially a single channel amp that way.

What kind of high gain tones are you looking for?
The Ultra isn't for everybody...the XTC is more widely accepted as a great tone if you have one of those coming.

Tell us what you're hoping for and we can give some advice on what modules would get you there...
Not sure what the issue maybe but I would check all the tubes are lighting up in the head and there are no red lights showing on the back (tube/fuse blown indicators).

I dunno that low/no gain could be a bias problem (I'm simply not tech savvy enough) but if you have access a voltmeter it's worth checking the bias too.

If the Ultra module is used then it's possible one or more of the 12ax7 tubes on board are defective.

If the stuff is new then hopefully you have a dealer nearby that'll help you out.

Given that you're new to this best to check the basics:

Head wired to cab with speaker cable (*not* a guitar cable)

Amp set to same Ohms as cab input is rated for. Randall cabs are 4 or 16Ohms Mono or 8Ohms Stereo per side I think.

Plug guitar straight into amp with one good guitar cable for troubleshooting purposes

There are Gain and Level controls on the module and Master Level on the amp, all of these will affect volume. I find it best to start with Master off and all module controls at noon...bring the Master up to taste and then start tweaking Gain, Treble, Mids and Bass.
mordified_freak said:
thanks, I know the problem now im using a guitar cable instead of a speaker cable, I didnt know I had to use one thanks for the help

There's quite some current going from head to amp and guitar cable is very thin and has an inductance too..can heat up and completely fail and/or arc and if you don't realize can burn out parts of the amp out with it....

Get a quality 16AWG speaker cable and you'll be golden!
JKD said:
mordified_freak said:
thanks, I know the problem now im using a guitar cable instead of a speaker cable, I didnt know I had to use one thanks for the help

There's quite some current going from head to amp and guitar cable is very thin and has an inductance too..can heat up and completely fail and/or arc and if you don't realize can burn out parts of the amp out with it....

Get a quality 16AWG speaker cable and you'll be golden!

I was thinkin maybe I should get this one
what do you think is this a good pick
Live Wire 16-Gauge Speaker Cable