How much is a Lynch Box worth these days?

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Well-known member
Mar 29, 2009
Reaction score
Minneapolis, MN
Well, there you have it: How much is a used (but like new) Lynch Box 100W 3-channel head worth these days?

I've heard it's a buyers market and just curious what they seem to be going for on eBay, the forums, Craigslist, etc.
The market is bad enough right now that I'm not selling anything. If you put it up for sale at what it is worth expect it to sit for a while. Eventually someone will want it and buy it. But it will sit. You must be willing to let it sit, unless you just want to get rid of it and cut your losses.

A friend of mine did the latter. She sold a cello she could have gotten $1000 for if she just waited, but she wanted it out of the house so $25. You've got those people to deal with. And then there's the low balling.

Basically look up the new price, and figure about 50% to 70% of new depending upon condition. 70% will sit. 50% will sell.