how to set it all up

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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2010
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O.K. now I got my rt2/50 and the rm4(bought from flying v,awsome job by the way)now I need to do the set-up.I have a art effects rack and I want to set it up with my randall gear.What is the best way to connect it all together?Such as how the foot controller(art x-15 should connect) so far i got footswitch out to art midi in to art midi out to rm4 midi in---thru to rt2/50 midi in but how do my effects loop figure in.
Simple quick and dirty? Use the serial loop. Not complicated enough? Use the parallel loop. But does your MFX have programming where you can do your own parallel mixing within the unit? If so use that and use the serial loop. If not and you need to tame a reverb or delay? then use the parallel loop.

Caveat: YMMV.
Don't know what all that means,but I'm just hoping someone can give me a step by step.Something like this plugs in to this and that plugs in to that,a nice ,neat verbal diagram.I am a rackmount retard.
For those too lazy to look up stuff on teh interwebz..... :lol:

Click "save file".

This is the quick and dirty method....

Guitar > input on the RM4

Serial Loop Send > Effects unit input

Effects unit output > Serial Loop Return

Post Loop Out > Power Amp input.

Next up: read the manual on your MFX unit.

I know. You're guys. You don't read manuals.
Hiya, here is a photo I took a while back of the back of your rig. Since you have the actual rig I had, this should work. Only thing I had in the rack besides what I sold you was the Carvin power supply and the ISP Decimator.

Like Julia said though, I used the loops depending what pedals I was using and reading the maunal is boring but educational. I put a print out of the manuals .pdf in the rack case for you. It is what I used to set up the rack when I was using it. Man do i miss it already btw, nothing else can do all the things this rig can do. You will love it I am sure.

oh crap, I see we can not directly post pictures here eh? Ok, I will move to photobucket then link... be back in a few.

