I need help selecting Modules

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2009
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American in the Philippines
I just scored an empty LB on Ebay for $650. Its mint and all it needs are modules. I absolutey love high gain...from what I have read the UltraXL is the best module for gain. After that is where it gets a littly tricky. I love the Marshall JCM 800 and was thinking of the SL+ for this tone but the 1086 intrigues me as they said the clip on the Randall Site that it will cover Marshall territory as well as modern high gain. Can anyone tell me there the Mr. Scary Module excels? I am thinking of starting out with these:

SL+(or 1086)
Black Face or Tweed

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Hey BK .welcome ..

IMO the Scary really does not sound like most of the other mods if I had to put it closest I would say maybe a cross between an SL+ and the Plexi .Closer to the Plexi in tone .but towards the SL+ in term of tightness ,attack and gain on tap .

If you are a gain guy ,you may like the Grail better .it is thicker .with more low end and a bit more gain and saturation .

the Lynch mods IMO are hands down the best stock .
If you want a hot 800 the SL+ is probably your best bet for that tone ..

enjoy ..
Appreciate the input Gtr! Interesting to hear that he Lynch Modules are the best. I will hold off with the purchase until I am absolutely certain of what I want to start out with. Thanks again.
You should try the KH 3, best stock module for high gain I have tried, much better then my 1086, which is great, too !
It shines with v30 speakers.
Great in the band mix, too !!!
Ultra XL or KH-3 for high gain

SL+ or Mr. Scary (two different, yet similar beasts) for Marshally/Soldano-y goodness.

Find your personal taste for cleans :)
The awesome (and often frustrating) thing about MTS are the infinite choices in tones. In the hi-gain category, its hard to beat an UltraXL for lead; grail or SL+ for metal crunch rhythm; can't go wrong w/superV for clean although there are lots of sweet clean flavors too