I played a Triple Rectifier all night...how did it compare?

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Well-known member
May 8, 2008
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cool amp, but by no means would I want to trade my rm100 PeteRecto for this tone. I've played this PRecto heavily for several months now, so I have a good basis for comparison.

The Mesa Triple Rectifier
clean: forget it, I don't like this channel at all- it'll get you by I suppose if you love the other channels, but compared to a BFace it's not even close. I had trouble getting it as clean as I'd like it to be....even with a little bit of grit, it still didn't have the body of the mts

Orange: now this was the closest comparison- very similar to Pete's Orange mod. The Mesa seemed to have more sizzle, maybe a touch of the red influence in the tone, but the mts had more clarity...I think I could tap more sizzle with the mts via presence if I need to, but there's no way to get the Mesa any more clear: advantage PRecto. However, this was a decent channel on the TRec, the best of the 3 by far.

Red: lots of sizzle, but the body and tone was lacking. Anyone who doesn't like modern Rectifiers, this is why- the channel had a bee buzz thing going on that I couldn't lose. I thought it may be good for chunk chunk riffs, but then the switch from the creamy Orange back to red crunch had such a disparity of quality, it gave the impression of "this sucks" Bottom line, PRecto Red kills this tone, smashes it to pieces

Cabinet was similar to mine v30s....maybe the biasing needs to be adjusted, but then again that's a breeze on the mts. Fresh tubes? I don't know, but my impression is I'll never buy Mesa again. Pete, I'm coming back for more! (TopBoost?)

I have owned Dual/Triple Rectifiers and the Road King and I am more than satisfied with my stock Recto module. I've considered having it modded because of all the talk here about how much it's improves the tone.

I'm running two RM4's in stereo and I found that the Recto with the KH3 is just huge sounding. The KH3 is stock as well. So for now I think I will hold off on any mods for any of my modules.

Anyway, I don't completely dislike the Mesa Recto series it's just not for me. The Lonestar is a great amp though but I am really into my MTS setup more than any other rig I own or have owned.