I saw GLynch tonight in Tempe

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Well-known member
May 8, 2008
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Lynch Mob was real good tonight. Loudness Dokken and MCrue were my first concert ever (Theater of Pain), so to see Lynch again was great. He played Mr Scary and a few other 80s tunes; the new ones were enjoyable.

I saw he had his lynch box on top of a Diezel on top of one cab, and the Marshall plexi on top of the other cab. I think both cabs were facing the other way for stage volume controllability (?) I don't know what head was on but it sounded great

I haven't posted for a few weeks which is long for me, but there have been some non-musical stresses going on; anywho it's good to be back
Thanks for the info. Any pics from the show? Did you get a look at his pedals? Good to see he had a Lynch Box on stage. Any idea what Diezel he has?
I caught Souls of We a few months ago and he had his cabs facing backward also. He likes to push the amps so having two 100 watt half stacks blasting away would kill the mix. Not to mention the people in front.
scary groove said:
Thanks for the info. Any pics from the show? Did you get a look at his pedals? Good to see he had a Lynch Box on stage. Any idea what Diezel he has?

I have a a pic from my phone; I'll see if I can get it up here later. I didn't get to see the pedals and I'm not sure what Diezel it was...besides that, I'm a wealth of information, lol. At the end of the show is when I noted that his Randall had the Brahma lit up in channel one, the next 2 were probably Scary and Grail.

I was happy to hear him play at the end of the set Into the Fire, Mr. Scary, Tooth and Nail, and then Wicked Sensation for the encore. The vocalist had more low end power and made old Dokken tunes vastly improved.
I've seen him 5 times in the last couple years and he brought the Lynchbox 1 time and never even plugged it in. It was used to put his Plexi on top of. Its always that old Plexi he loves, and the last time was about 3 months ago and he was using the Friedmann Marsha heads. The Lynchbox was a neat way for him to get some Randall cash I think. He never touches it unless he is doing a clinic where he has too. His tech told me he rarely uses it and when he does its only the Brahma. The Diezel is a new one thrown in the mix now. I have a pic of his pedals somewhere on here from over a year ago. It was the same as the last time I saw him 3 months ago. Here is the link below to his pedalboard. The first Pedal is a Kusack Tube Screamer which is always on. He always had some type of screamer which is always one pushing his plexi.
Glad you got to see him. He never seems to come too close to my location.

I have not seen him since ULAK tour. He ripped back then, but as of lately, not so much. I knew he was going to be my favorite guitarist the first time I saw him on American Bandstand.

With that said, you now know I am OLD!