Identifying RM4 - channel switching lag issue

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Well-known member
Feb 26, 2013
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Hi all,

I'm technically not new in the forum but I haven't participated in any conversation before since I haven't had the chance to actually own or play the MTS gear.

I'm ready to buy an RM4 and already decided on some modules but I have a question about the RM4 that I hope somebody can help me with.

I understand there are a newer and an older version and that the older version had a channel switching lag issue that was addressed with the installation of a chip.
How can one properly identify a newer RM4 vs an older one and if I happen to have an older one in my hands how do I identify if this chip is installed?
Also, if need be, where can I get one of this chips and how can I install it?

Really looking forward to be an active member of this community.
Any advice or comment is very much appreciated!

Hello 8)
Well, I haven't heard anything like this but I am way late to the MTS party.
All I can offer up - is that I have purchased two RM4's over the last year - and I haven't had an issue.

Maybe some of the old timers have insight ? :p
I never noticed a problem with my old RM4. Best I can tell from reading this forum is that the older units have solid white block letters and the newer are outlined white block letters. Regarding the chip thing no clue.

I got my first RM4 in 2005, joined this forum a year or so later, have modded over 2000 modules & repaired loads of MTS amps as an authorized service center for both Randall and Egnater. I have never once seen or heard of ANY switching delay issues. If that doesn't reassure you, I don't know what will.
To be honest, I don't remember where I read about this as it was some time ago. It was definitely a conversation in a forum and from your replies I can tell it wasn't here.

Thanks very much for your comments. I'm definitely reassured and will soon be getting that RM4 and a couple of modules! :D
I've never heard of an issue regarding the switching the RM4. I've personally experienced no issues or delays switching my RM4 or RM100.