ISP Decimator G String pedal! Hooray!

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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2010
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Hurtling through space on a wet rock.
OK, holy crap! Someone finally made an amazing and functional form of noise reduction...I can't believe this thing...I was using a tone sucking Hush II that reduced my signal quite a bit and didn't fully cut out any noise...
I think I already love this Decimator G String...I think because of its ability to not only track the guitar thru the guitar in and out - but also to run the actual decimator according to the guitar's input received makes every bit of difference...Now I haven't cranked it all up yet too loud...But at reasonable volume there is NO noise and the signal sounds virtually untouched...This thing is gonna make recording guitar so much easier...I buy a lot of gadgets and am frequently let down but between this thing and the TC Polytune (a whole other story but a great product for stage usage)- I have renewed faith in the pedal industry! At just $199, this thing is worth triple...No kidding...

If you want a clear signal with no noise, look no further than the G String!I'm just running it almost last inline between my RM4s and RT2/50 (not in the loop) and it's already perfect as I have no need to try further configurations...It worked right off the bat...

This message brought to you by the letter G...

The other guitarist in my band has a pedal version of this, too, and I was really impressed with it. He stopped using it when he bought his GSP1101, saying that it did the job, but still - I have been eyeballing a rack version of the Decimator for awhile now...
Hoping I can revive this thread a little. I did a search and this seems to be as close as I found about my issue.

I used a Rocktron Voodu Valve for quite some time. It has HUSH built in and is very quiet. My issue with it was the tones weren't as "real" as I would like. I switched to MTS modules and am VERY VERY happy with the tones I'm getting. I'm using a Rocktron Intellifex for some verb, delay, volume increase for solos, etc.

My problem, the noise! I may have been spoiled by the silence of the Voodu, but the noise must stop. I was looking into getting a HUSH stand alone, but then ran across the ISP Decimator Pro Rack G. The Pro Rack G is far more expensive, but I don't mind paying for something that works. Has anyone used the rack mount version? What is your review of this product? Is the HUSH good enough? I hate to go out and spend $450 to check it out.

Please let me know your experience. Thanks.

Everyone raves about the rackmount...You can't go wrong...I chose the G String Pedal because it's the same as one channel of the rackmount...Now you gotta get the G String Decimator pedal not just the Decimator...That's where you're back into Hush territory technologically speaking...The G String and Rackmount track the guitar very intuitively...It's quite amazing actually...It's been awhile that I've had mine and still marvel at it!
Would you believe Musician's Friend put it on sale from the time I made my first post until now? Down to $420, is that a sign?
I've got the rack version and it is awesome,doesn't colour the sound and keeps even the high gain modded moduals quiet.It's well worth the money,I used my friends hush2c just to try it out and the decimator is way better,quieter.Get it you won't be disappointed.
Check it out at sweetwater their customer service is much better.
Yes!! That's for this post or I would have never seen this new pedal. I've needed this for my series loop but I refuse to get a rack. This badboy will be my next purchase.
I know how I am with gear. I'll end up having $4000 worth of rack gear in a month. If i get one piece of rack gear it will turn into a touring system like I was Petrucci.
schlagdog said:
I know how I am with gear. I'll end up having $4000 worth of rack gear in a month. If i get one piece of rack gear it will turn into a touring system like I was Petrucci.

And what's wrong with that. :twisted:

I hear you though. It always seems like we finally get to where we want with gear/tone & then our tastes change or our needs & then back to he drawing board. The quest continues...
Plus, I think people get confused with the G String pedal...It is the equivalent of half a rack unit....No difference in function....I think they're (G Strings) are often confused with traditional Decimators....Two different things....
I use the G-string on my pedal board. I have the loop set up with all my pedals (fuzzes, overdrive, wah) in that loop. Cleans up the signal nicely when I'm not playing. Some dirt pedals are a little noisy, so this takes care of that. You don't here the noise when I'm playing.

I've got a second gate (dbx) in the serial loop that I have set to close slowly so that it doesn't cut the tails off notes. The system works really nice.

I've managed to have rack gear and stay under the $1200 mark.
They seem a little spendy for a pedal. Are they really that good? The noise gate on my GMajor2 seems to work pretty good, but it could be better. Is it one of those gottahaveits?
They are awesome....Never experienced anything like the G String Decimator...Mine worked perfectly from day one...Easy to use and SUPER effective...I know lots of posters use other gear effectively and run quiet rigs...But, for my money, the G String beats everything else out there hands down...Prior to getting mine I was using a Rocktron Hush II which was ok...But hardly comparable to the ISP Pedal...Night and day....Will another noise reduction systems work? Yep...Better than the ISP? Probably not...I'd go sa far as to call it a must have from here on out for me...