I've decided 6550s just don't sound good....

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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2010
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Hurtling through space on a wet rock.
Soooo much headroom...At first I thought I'd love it and I did...But switching back to 6L6GCs has made me realize that the 6550s just have too much headroom and sound sterile to my ear...The 6L6s have more power tube punch...I like them...Again....

Tune in next month when I completely change my mind again!
You shouldve done a sound clip between the two. I wanted to try 6550's on my RM100. Im looking for a "Mesa" type feel so i just wanted to see how the might be. What do you think of KT77's also?
I have run 34's, 6L6's, and 6550's in my MTS rigs. My RM100 has 6550's and 34L's in it now and I like it alot. I used to run Jan GE 5751's in the PI and in V1 of high gain modules but I have been switching those around a little bit now.

The gainy modules have so much preamp gain coming out of them that I like having a more solid power section. The mixing of the 6550's and 34L's has given me the best mix so far. I don't have the collection of modules that you have but I have used several modded and stock modules. The current stable line up is KH1, SL+, Voodoo UG Jose, JF Brahma, JF Mr Scary.
From hearing my friend Steve's amp with 6550's blaring so loud even his rocker DAD had to close his door, I dig the 6550 tone. I think that they're an ideal tube for a solo guitarist, because it's really hard to mix another type of tube with it and have it sound amazing :p Of course, this could be simply because they were Sovtek 5881's....
Well, my "main" amp is an Engl E610 Savage 120 & I find the 6550 power section the best feature on it. I love the headroom & the immense low end on it. It's so "clean" & uniform in its response - equally good at "home" volume as it is peeling paint from the walls :twisted:

Having said that, neither of my preamps (my RM4 & an Engl E570 SE) sounds as good through that power section as the Savage's own preamp section does...
& FWIW, the best amp I've ever heard anywhere was a VHT Ultralead with KT88s, so perhaps I just have a bias/preference for those valve types.

I've never found an EL34 powered amp that I really liked for mega-high gain sounds. YMMV etc...
Personally I've always loved 6L6's... until I tried EHX 6CA7's!!
They give the roar of EL34's and body of 6L6's :D

Now I'm wondering how close they are to JJ EL34Ls ..
I think my problem with 6550s is that there is such a stark difference between them and EL34s...I'm always gonna have 34s on one side of my RT2/50 and I think swiching over from power tube saturation to headroom galore was just too much...I'll have to play with them more...6L6s have enough headroom for me to be happy with my clean tone and enough grit for me to be happy with my od tones...Gonna stick with them for a bit...
**** dude, get a job, then you won't get tired of your gear so fast! lol

6550s are good for ripping metal out of an older amp, but need something "toney" for this modern stuff. I am getting a pair of Winged C EL34s put in my RM100, may spring for some better 6L6s down the road.

Later, and happy Turkey Day!
I just use 6550s for the clean headroom. I've adjusted my rig to compensate on the OD stuff with some loop compression. With the attack and release I've got set it gives a feel of some sag.
m0jo said:
Personally I've always loved 6L6's... until I tried EHX 6CA7's!!
They give the roar of EL34's and body of 6L6's :D

Now I'm wondering how close they are to JJ EL34Ls ..
My next tube purchase right here, right alongside some Tung Sol 5881's and the new TAD 7025-S preamp tube :D
Shinozoku said:
My next tube purchase right here, right alongside some Tung Sol 5881's and the new TAD 7025-S preamp tube :D
Hey man let me know how those TAD 7025-S turn out. I've been thinking about getting some for the V1 spot in a couple of my modules. They are supposed to be the ****. At least that's what I heard. :)
speedemon said:
**** dude, get a job, then you won't get tired of your gear so fast! lol

6550s are good for ripping metal out of an older amp, but need something "toney" for this modern stuff. I am getting a pair of Winged C EL34s put in my RM100, may spring for some better 6L6s down the road.

Later, and happy Turkey Day!

:lol: If I didn't have a job I'd never be able to buy more gear to get sick of! :lol:
Plus, this MTS stuff is all awesome...But there's a lot of variables (important ones) that have to get worked out before I feel I'm running on all cylinders...I think I have a good combination of modules, the right effects and EQ, the right 12AX7s or 5751, etc. for what I need...Power tubes were one area I neglected for a bit...I like 34s for sure, both SED Winged C and even JJ EL34s...Now the Tung Sol 6550s are out and TAD 6L6GCs are in and I'm happier...So many things to make right....Once I have it, I'll know...I hope!
You are just fun to watch Mr. Fig. :D
I've learned a lot from just reading your posts and watching you battle your rig like a mofo to get it to your liking. It makes me want to get more modded modules for sure. Wait...Maybe that's the GAS talking... :lol:
Daryl said:
You are just fun to watch Mr. Fig. :D
I've learned a lot from just reading your posts and watching you battle your rig like a mofo to get it to your liking. It makes me want to get more modded modules for sure. Wait...Maybe that's the GAS talking... :lol:

Let the GAS speak Daryl! Otherwise it'll manifest itself in other ways...

I really believe his rig should be turned into a reality show! This week on Fig Off! Just need to get a stock XTC to piss off the other modules!

Mattfig said:
speedemon said:
**** dude, get a job, then you won't get tired of your gear so fast! lol

6550s are good for ripping metal out of an older amp, but need something "toney" for this modern stuff. I am getting a pair of Winged C EL34s put in my RM100, may spring for some better 6L6s down the road.

Later, and happy Turkey Day!

:lol: If I didn't have a job I'd never be able to buy more gear to get sick of! :lol:
Plus, this MTS stuff is all awesome...But there's a lot of variables (important ones) that have to get worked out before I feel I'm running on all cylinders...I think I have a good combination of modules, the right effects and EQ, the right 12AX7s or 5751, etc. for what I need...Power tubes were one area I neglected for a bit...I like 34s for sure, both SED Winged C and even JJ EL34s...Now the Tung Sol 6550s are out and TAD 6L6GCs are in and I'm happier...So many things to make right....Once I have it, I'll know...I hope!

My friend was borrowing my Marshall and re-tubed it with TAD EL24s They are amazing, probably the best 34s I have heard. If you continue to play around with power tubes, and haven't tried them, give it a shot!

~Hat Hat Hat
MadHatter_Lurch said:
I really believe his rig should be turned into a reality show! This week on Fig Off! Just need to get a stock XTC to piss off the other modules!

Mattfig said:
speedemon said:
**** dude, get a job, then you won't get tired of your gear so fast! lol

6550s are good for ripping metal out of an older amp, but need something "toney" for this modern stuff. I am getting a pair of Winged C EL34s put in my RM100, may spring for some better 6L6s down the road.

Later, and happy Turkey Day!

:lol: If I didn't have a job I'd never be able to buy more gear to get sick of! :lol:
Plus, this MTS stuff is all awesome...But there's a lot of variables (important ones) that have to get worked out before I feel I'm running on all cylinders...I think I have a good combination of modules, the right effects and EQ, the right 12AX7s or 5751, etc. for what I need...Power tubes were one area I neglected for a bit...I like 34s for sure, both SED Winged C and even JJ EL34s...Now the Tung Sol 6550s are out and TAD 6L6GCs are in and I'm happier...So many things to make right....Once I have it, I'll know...I hope!

My friend was borrowing my Marshall and re-tubed it with TAD EL24s They are amazing, probably the best 34s I have heard. If you continue to play around with power tubes, and haven't tried them, give it a shot!

~Hat Hat Hat

An MTS reality show...That would be cool... :lol:

Thanks for the tips on the TADs...