Jaded Faith Ultra Clip. Yeah that's right another. ;)

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Well-known member
Jul 9, 2008
Reaction score
South Jersey
Well here's another clip I did.
128 kb/s at lowest quality since any other quality the drums disappeared. Don't let that discourage you though. It sounds pretty decent.

Four Guitar tracking
2 left
2 right

Drums done in BFD2

Now all I need is a bassist. :)


Oh btw this isn't my song. It was made in a program by Carl6661 on the Ultimte-Guitar Forum. I just recorded it.

Once again. I recommend downloading it.
Thanks guys. Took me a while to program the drums right. I'm still not happy with them but then again this is just meant to show off the Ultra Mod no so much my drum programing technique. ;)
It's a little late but I have an updated version.


It just lowers the cymbals a little to hear the guitars come through a little more. If you were on Jaded Faith's website then you've already heard this. If not, then take a listen again. ;)
Guitars sound REALLY good. My only nit? The crash is a bit loud.

Otherwise, great recording.
