JF Scary

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Well-known member
May 8, 2008
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I was in sell mode, but I just landed a JFScary with tight and gate switches that I could not pass up. I had a JF hotrodded Plexi before and I regret selling it- but I never was a huge plexi guy, not enough gain and too articulate compared to SL+. I'm excited to hear what the JF Scary will do.

Any JF Scary owners out there want to chime in? I'd love to hear clips if you have them, I'll even take low quality webcam samples.

This will be my 3rd Scary, lol, the first 2 were stock.
(Nothing like my run on Plexis- I've had around 8 of them, they keep coming to me in package deals, but then I flip them).
your in for a treat. this module hands down has been my fav for over a year, besides a jf brahma. many modules have bit the dust between pete and anthony. not that a pete modded mr scary wouldnt ripp in or close to the same way.

experiment wiht many different tubes configs, this module for some reason reacts dramtically to tubes. right now i havfe a mullard in v1 and a tung-sol 12ax7 in v2. just right for warmth, clarity and tightness, for me anyway. brighter tubes will make this bite more, tighten up and might be thin for some ears. very important to have many tubes on hand wiht this in your randall.
I like a 5751 in V1 of my JF Scary. It improves the clarity and tames it a bit. When I first got mine back after the mod, it took me some time to re-dial it in. The settings that I had pre-mod were way over the top on the modded unit.
I?m waiting for my 4th Scary right now. It is a JF modded one.
The first 2 were stock, the 3rd was a Dave Friedman modded.
It should arrive the next days. I?m very excited.
I think I will have 6 modules modded by him really soon.
Great stuff !
The Scary is a fave of mine too and one of the only really high gain modules still in my personal collection. You should enjoy this one....if not drop me a line and we can get it where you want it on me. :wink:

Grab some 5751's, you will dig them. I am actually tweaking and modding a buddy from a signed bands (Ashes of Your Enemy) block letter Peavey 5150 right now and we are using a few of then in his amp. I have a few in my VHT Pittbull I am using for our gig tomorrow opening for Cold and Nonpoint and I love them there too (the Randall rigs are also undergoing some tweaks and mods, so they are MIA at the present).
What would you think about a 5751 in any of the positions in my ENGL Blackmore Rob? You have much experience with them?
I can't really remember how much it lowered the gain last time in my RM100, I wouldn't want to lower it too much so maybe just in the PI spot would be cool?
Thanks Ray!

For the Engl, I would start by asking yourself how high do you run the gain now? The JAN 5751 is very close to a 12AX7 gain-wise, enough so that you get the clarity and definition you want without the oversaturated and compressed feeling a hotter 12AX7 would give. In the 5150 we are working on, it opens up and breathes a lot better.

For an example:
In my VHT 50/ST, there are 3 gain stages which is enough but not as much as many modern amps. V1 is the reverb return and Input gain stage 1. V2 is is the tone control driver and 3rd gain stage for the high gain channel. V3 is the 2nd gain stage for both channels.

So for V1, I want something with good gain and tone because it is common to all channels. In V2 something with good tone and quiet is the key because it effects the tone knobs and the boost on my gain channel. In V3, I opted for the best gain tube of the bunch because it is in the mix for my gain all the time. The PI will change based on how I loaded the front 3.

Try to find the spec sheet for the Engl and what each tube does. Then see what it is or isn't doing for you and we can make suggestions from there.
Heya Rob, thanks for the reply :)
The Blackmore has four preamp tubes.
As far as I know, V1 is the common input tube, V2 is a second tube for gain stages when you kick on the Lead Channel, V3 is the line driver/buffer for the loops and V4 is the Phase Inverter.
To be honest, I'm pretty darn happy with the Blackmore but sometimes when you roll the gain up more (about 2 o'clock) it can get a tad fizzy perhaps? I like the level of gain but I'd just be interested to see what a 5751 would do in it.. Would also be keen to put another Tung Sol 12ax7 in V1 maybe?
I just like trying different things around haha.
At the moment all the preamp tubes are JJEC83s and the four power tubes are JJ6L6GCs.
i found the same thing with the engl. i never put the gain up past 4-5 on the lead channel for the same reason. but i found that was all i needed. also it will smooth out when you crank it!!

we had good luck with the ulbrick 12axe . you should try that out!!

the best boost/drive pedal i have heard.......aussie built also
I'm with Bhuard 75, I use a Mullard in V1 and a Tung sol in V2. I have went to this combo in most of my modules, which are hi gain, if a module is very bright I will replace the Tungsol w/ a gold pin JJ. I have an RM 50 and use a mullard in V1 a standard jj for V2 and the 5751 for the PI and SED el34's , the amp just cranks with this combo. TODAY I recievd my JF Scary, got mine with the standard warmth clarity and a push pull mid shift. Rob did a great job, no more harsh top end and weak lows, it is unbelievable how much better it sounds, and the mid shift is killer too. It is really hard to describe, actually on his site is a perfect review of it, I think it may have been from Bhuard, it is spot on. Best money I have spent in a long time.