JF Trilogy Video Demos

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That was great! Love the Spinal Tap moment.

I am looking forward to the knob turning vids. I love my current stock of mods but have been getting the itch for something new.
Thanx for the vid

now I know that I definitely have NO desire for a trilogy !

frankly it sounds similiar to other JF mods (either that or everyone
one on this board plays Scooped Deth and nothing else :roll: )

not to bash Rob talents - I have the same issue with Anthony's mods

both Rob & Anthony each have their own "sonic signature" that is present
in all their mods - unfortunately you can't dial out that "sonic signature"

I have 3 mods I like - JF 59 - Voodoo Recto - SL+

thats it - all the rest of my modules are variations on a theme and there's quite a bit of overlapping tones btw them

good thing is I found exactly what I've been looking for - gives me exactly the tones I need (tones MTS can't even come close to !!) and its cheaper than my MTS setup

its been a fun ride but if this is as good as MTS mods (JF trilogy
/ Camerock) gets, then I'm underwhelmed to say the least

look for my MTS selloff soon !

:arrow: FYI - to you new guys in Michigan , I'm in OHIO
fuzzboat said:
Thanx for the vid

now I know that I definitely have NO desire for a trilogy !

frankly it sounds similiar to other JF mods (either that or everyone
one on this board plays Scooped Deth and nothing else :roll: )

not to bash Rob talents - I have the same issue with Anthony's mods

both Rob & Anthony each have their own "sonic signature" that is present
in all their mods - unfortunately you can't dial out that "sonic signature"

I have 3 mods I like - JF 59 - Voodoo Recto - SL+

thats it - all the rest of my modules are variations on a theme and there's quite a bit of overlapping tones btw them

good thing is I found exactly what I've been looking for - gives me exactly the tones I need (tones MTS can't even come close to !!) and its cheaper than my MTS setup

its been a fun ride but if this is as good as MTS mods (JF trilogy
/ Camerock) gets, then I'm underwhelmed to say the least

look for my MTS selloff soon !

:arrow: FYI - to you new guys in Michigan , I'm in OHIO

1. Sad to hear you're going
2. Let me know when you sell your stuff, I'll come pick it up if you ain't too far south
3. I respect your opinion and know you know some things about tone...What is the amp that has finally "done it" for you? I'm curious to say the least...

All the best!
What is the amp that has finally "done it" for you?
I think it was my video :cry:

There is a bit of a sonic signature with each modder, but I think that is way overstated here. The biggest sonic imprint is likely me: my technique, playing, guitar, pickups, mics, songwriting, etc. Seems like it may not speak to you; no worries, I feel it :D I think when others put up their clips in different styles you may get a better impression of the versatility this module offers. I have a few other things coming out to display this module, but as Randall Cunningham once said, let me be me

Check out the OLA videos and you'll be hard pressed to hear major differences between a dozen high level amps, as his excellent approach overrides everything.

JF I've owned includes the 1959, XMG, Plexi, and now Trilogy. I find the voicings to be quite different.
As for the Camerock, that module has monstrous levels of quality, it's shocking that it's seen as an overlap with a stock SL+ :shock:
crankyrayhanky said:
What is the amp that has finally "done it" for you? I think it was my video :cry:

Nope not that -

FWIW, I'd be happy for life with a simple 2 channel amp

Channel 1: JF 59' RR
Channel 2: Cameron Atomica

crankyrayhanky said:
JF I've owned includes the 1959, XMG, Plexi, and now Trilogy. I find the voicings to be quite different.
As for the Camerock, that module has monstrous levels of quality, it's shocking that it's seen as an overlap with a stock SL+ :shock:

again Nope not that !

"overlap" btw the modder's mods themselves - example

with a boost pedal and parametric eq, I'm fairly certain I could achieve
trilogy tones from a JF Erect
fuzzboat said:
:arrow: FYI - to you new guys in Michigan , I'm in OHIO

Where in OHIO? I might be able to save you some shipping hassles and pick up a module or two.
Mattfig said:
fuzzboat said:
Thanx for the vid

now I know that I definitely have NO desire for a trilogy !

frankly it sounds similiar to other JF mods (either that or everyone
one on this board plays Scooped Deth and nothing else :roll: )

not to bash Rob talents - I have the same issue with Anthony's mods

both Rob & Anthony each have their own "sonic signature" that is present
in all their mods - unfortunately you can't dial out that "sonic signature"

I have 3 mods I like - JF 59 - Voodoo Recto - SL+

thats it - all the rest of my modules are variations on a theme and there's quite a bit of overlapping tones btw them

good thing is I found exactly what I've been looking for - gives me exactly the tones I need (tones MTS can't even come close to !!) and its cheaper than my MTS setup

its been a fun ride but if this is as good as MTS mods (JF trilogy
/ Camerock) gets, then I'm underwhelmed to say the least

look for my MTS selloff soon !

:arrow: FYI - to you new guys in Michigan , I'm in OHIO

1. Sad to hear you're going
2. Let me know when you sell your stuff, I'll come pick it up if you ain't too far south
3. I respect your opinion and know you know some things about tone...What is the amp that has finally "done it" for you? I'm curious to say the least...

All the best!

kinda like a Marshall JMD 100 - but not

honestly, I only heard clips but IMHO it makes a JMD sound like a POD

this is the 21st freaking century & I want an amp to give me "just like the album" tones 70's thru 90's ****** !!

that said , I'm very hopeful this product might just be my holy grail
its flying under the radar right now and I need to sell some gear to afford it

in a month or 2 I'll be posting some clips and let the masses decide
fuzzboat said:
...its been a fun ride but if this is as good as MTS mods (JF trilogy
/ Camerock) gets, then I'm underwhelmed to say the least

look for my MTS selloff soon !

:arrow: FYI - to you new guys in Michigan , I'm in OHIO
Ironic. I have gone through more than 50 boutique/high end amps over the past 5 years, being frustrated that no amp could do it all for me. I've sold most of them since arriving at MTS modded modules. I have found the widest availability of tones using modules.

I couldn't disagree more about the modders work all sounding very similar across their mods. My Salvation Angel E sounds NOTHING like my Masholdano. My Jaded Faith XTC has way different tones than my Erect.

And my Voxless? Also very unique.

The only way I was ever going to get all the different sounds I wanted in a single amp was to go MTS.
fuzzboat said:
"overlap" btw the modder's mods themselves - example

with a boost pedal and parametric eq, I'm fairly certain I could achieve
trilogy tones from a JF Erect

maybe. But what if you want that tone WITHOUT adding pedals?
VitaminG said:
fuzzboat said:
"overlap" btw the modder's mods themselves - example

with a boost pedal and parametric eq, I'm fairly certain I could achieve
trilogy tones from a JF Erect

maybe. But what if you want that tone WITHOUT adding pedals?

Or at gig volume without adding a bunch of noise, which you then have to gate the **** out of your amp to silence?
VitaminG said:
fuzzboat said:
"overlap" btw the modder's mods themselves - example

with a boost pedal and parametric eq, I'm fairly certain I could achieve
trilogy tones from a JF Erect

maybe. But what if you want that tone WITHOUT adding pedals?


Perhaps less today with some 4 channel amps, but there's often a channel that doesn't get you in that desired 'area'
so -unlike the MTS series- you end up adding boosts, EQ's or ignore/rarely use the channel alltogether

...not for me, thank you
I've been using rack preamps exactly for the reason of simplicity/versatility
But from the 5 Preamps I have, none can cover the sonic capabilities of the MTS series
without the hassle of extra outboard gear
There is a ton of tonal overlap with modules and amps for sure,it really comes down to the user to try and find a voice they feel fits them,but some modules or amps are more limited than others.Seem to me like some of these amos have so much gain available and alot of players take advantage of that,but it tends to take away from the amps character or color....I used 5150's alot years ago and they sounded great with the pregain at around 10 oclock and the volume up....used to have guys ask me if mine was modded or something becasue it sounded so big and articulate,but was still heavy and realatively quiet....told them i just have the gain dialed back...lol......There is just so much stuff out now too that there is bound to be some overlap onto tonal territories...I took me a while to sift through all the modules and come out with the keepers....I didnt see the since in having 20 modules when I could get alot of those tones I like out of 5-6 of them,but they sure look cool in a rack of rm4's...lol......I can see tehe allure of having alot of them....
Badass video Ray! Guys don't forget to 720p it. Love how you show the guitars and pickups. I have an Epiphone Gothic :D

Considering 5150's and Rectifiers are both based on Soldano SLO, yeah they share some characteristics. But it's like two paths that cross and go off in other directions. Not to be all philosophical or something...
I too have an Epiphone Gothic- 7 string. I paid like 275 for it then put in more than 2x that in new wiring, Bare Knuckles, pro setup...the guitar is my #1 axe in many ways! Even before the upgrades, I was astounded how much i gravitated towards that cheap axe more than my other name brand($) axes, thus the investment in upgrades. I have Miracle mans in it , and while I love the tone (it is deep and mean), I have since put in Aftermaths in my Gibson and love the pronounced mids. I'm thinking of switching out my MMans for the new higain humbucker BK just put out, the design looks wicked and has more mids.

Demo Part 3 will feature the Epi playing aggressive dropA stuff. Funny, I don't like/nor listen to scoop Deth metal, but I enjoy tuning down and slammin the gain. Funny thing, the trilogy in scoop mode still has more mids than most hi gain modules...not exactly scoop deth to me, but we all hear things different.
To counter that style, i just recorded a groovy lo/mid gain tune on my Strat in <gasp> standard E. These full chordings will please the detuned haters and show that the Trilogy has wildly different applications.

The more I record with this Trilogy, the more I'm digging it...it has survived the first month flip and should stick around longer than most of my modules, lol
Great videos Ray, at least what I could catch of them. I couldn't get them to load from my hotel in Paris and I got about half of them here in Greece before they failed to buffer anymore. You have to love hotel WiFi. :roll:

You are correct: The Trilogy is all about the mids and you can sculpt them in every way you could ask. Like Ray said, there is more mids in scooped mode than many modules have. But in a great way that make this module cut through everything. I certainly don't build anything else like it, on several levels of design.

An interesting observation occurred to me after reading fuzzboat's comment. I work with hundreds of musicians and their gear every year. I make a lot of great friends and have had some excellent in depth discussions over tone and their approach to it. One thing I have realized that player's themselves never really do is that "you all simply sound a lot like yourselves", regardless of what you play through.

My personal studio and shop has loads of great amps (mostly mine and then whatever customer's amps I have at the time) and around 50 modules in it at any given time. What's always amazing to me is just how similar a player can sound no matter what they plug into. We all have tendencies when it comes to dialing in gear. Believe it or not, your average player will manage to make an amp sound like "them" by the time they are done turning the knobs. The irony is, the player tends to never realize it. I certainly can as an outside observer.

I did it for years in my last band. Throughout a decade in that band, I played a Marshall JMP-1/Monoblock 9200, Line 6 Vetta, RM100, RM4/RT250, VHT Pittbull and Mesa Mark V at any given time (in phases or towards the end, whatever I felt like using on a given night). Ironically, they all sounded a lot like me. Both to myself and good friends (who also play) and were fans. Feel changes from rig-to-rig and room-to-room, but I could always get "my sound".

It wasn't until I changed musical directions in our new project that my sound drastically changed. After all those years playing the same type of stuff (radio-friendly hard rock) in the same tuning (dropped D, 1/2 step down), we ended the project and took a 90 degree turn. My playing in the new group is much different style-wise (very similar to Mike from Incubus and The Edge in U2) and tonally. It was a refreshing change. I spent a lot of hours studying guitar and theory again to realize the changes I wanted to see.

The point I make is you need to keep that in mind when watching videos and not trying something. I know I am in the minority, but I put little to no stock in demo audio and video clips as a consumer. I only look at the products feature sets in those, never for an idea of what the true tone is. I really can't say I ever knew exactly what to expect from something based on a video.

I am always amazed (and grateful) at the talent and time folks like Ray and Mattfig (and many others BTW) put into their efforts. Many a time I have felt that a module sounded drastically different to me in their videos than it does in my shop when I play it. But at the end of the day, it's just that player sounding like themselves....
Jaded Faith said:
An interesting observation occurred to me after reading fuzzboat's comment. I work with hundreds of musicians and their gear every year. I make a lot of great friends and have had some excellent in depth discussions over tone and their approach to it. One thing I have realized that player's themselves never really do is that "you all simply sound a lot like yourselves", regardless of what you play through.
I was very, very lucky. The very first band I was in was comprised of myself and kids from my neighborhood and the next one over. The drummer's house was about a dozen or so blocks away, and I would typically head over there every day after school for nearly a year (after convincing my Dad that the guy was not going to take advantage of me, lol; he was like a brother to me). The two of us jammed all the time, and I would play along to albums learning/choosing songs to play. Point being, he was in the kitchen one day, stopped what he was doing and popped his head in and commented, "I can always tell when it is you playing. You aren't like the other guitar players I know... you never sound like the guitar players in the songs you learn. And I like that a lot more. It is one reason I like jamming with you. Please don't ever change that." (paraphrased)

Jaded Faith said:
My personal studio and shop has loads of great amps (mostly mine and then whatever customer's amps I have at the time) and around 50 modules in it at any given time. What's always amazing to me is just how similar a player can sound no matter what they plug into. We all have tendencies when it comes to dialing in gear. Believe it or not, your average player will manage to make an amp sound like "them" by the time they are done turning the knobs. The irony is, the player tends to never realize it. I certainly can as an outside observer.
And this is why I chose to reply. For me, gear has always been a question of comfort. The less aware I find myself of what I am using, the better... for me. IOW, if, say, the tone of the amp is drawing my attention away from just playing, because I cannot seem to dial in a tone that "works" for me, it goes.

One of my favorite guitars based solely upon looks is the JEM77FP. I could care less who it was designed for, who is famous for playing it, etc. Aesthetically, it is just beautiful to me. But, the two I have owned, and every one I have played, were horrible. For me. JEMs period are very uncomfortable. The early years of the RG5xx line though.. comfy (I own three, lol).

I have no idea what "my sound" is like to others. I am very aware of what "my sound" is to me, and of what works for me. I am still saddened when I try a piece of gear that could be a great addition to my "arsenal" and discover that I am in a minority that is unable to benefit from it.