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May 6, 2008
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Alright, I'd just like to send a shout out to whoever said "try some 6V6's in you amp"

I've been looking into doing it and finally ordered 2 matched JJ 6v6s tubes from thetubestore.com. they arrived on the 3rd business day (very impressive).

I threw them in and went to my jam space and cranked it. OMG, I originally had svet 6550's in my rm50 and they tended to sound kind of sterile (big sound, more bass, but sterile). The sound is sooo much more alive, organic, rounder, fuller, tubier, crunchier... with the 6v6. plus with the lower wattage the amp sound like it can breathe (dont know how else to describe it)

I just want to give the 6V6 some love, as I dont think it gets the respect it deserves.

FYI using a Blackface, and ultra XL both of which sounded amazing especially after the first hour of high volume jamming.

my 2 cents
I'm using them right now in my RM80...they sound great, but i can't compare them to anything b/c they are the only tubes i've ever used (fairly new to tube amps). I was thinking of going to 6L6's or 6550's when they finally give out...which might just be soon....which kinda sucks b/c i just got them in July. I was hoping they'd last a little bit longer.
I bias mine around 19-20ma.
They really sound great when you push them.
Turn the master on the power amp to 3-4 o'clock. They sing!
kc2eeb said:
I've been recommending them for a long time.
They really let you play to WHOLE amp.

well, then thank you my friend, it may very well have been you
I also just installed a matched quad of the JJ 6V6's. I have them biased right at 21mA. Seemed to boost the low end a bit but I cannot detect a major change in output. :D
Julia said:
They won't because 44W isn't noticeably softer than 100W. The tubes will just break up earlier.

Agreed. I only made that point since I have read other comments that it was a noticeble change.