Just found out my local dealer no longer carries Randall

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Active member
Feb 6, 2008
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Sucks. Always made buying modules easier than through the internet. Now I have to deal with the Big shops like GC and Sam Ash. Terrible places to do business.

KonkeyDong said:
Sucks. Always made buying modules easier than through the internet. Now I have to deal with the Big shops like GC and Sam Ash. Terrible places to do business.


There are some killer online dealers tho' .. just scan eBay. :D
Yeah. I know. I just am going to miss sitting down and trying out different modules in realspace, you know?
I've bought none of my stuff new yet honestly.

Got my rm100 and original mods off of cl.

I then tried a whole bunch of mods at the hcaf chicago ampfest

Got my 1086 and modern from randall3 on here.

I haven't found a good local that ever has any mts in stock, where exactly in that place located?
The only dealer in my area only stocks Randall pracrice amps under $250. There isnt another dealer that i know of for at least 100 miles. I took a leap of faith when i ordered my RM100. I never heard one before i bought it. No Regrets! But it is nice to try before you buy.
hey guys if you are in Ny and wanna stop by a good store that carries Randall MTS gear, try Murphys music on Rt110 in Huntington.
Thats about 1 hour out east on New York City. They are about 4 miles south of the Huntington train station, cabs are available to take the trip to and from the train station. And there are lots of trains, its a major hub of the LIRR.
So consider it. I dont work there..but have known the crew there for over 20 years and they are decent people who try to make it happen for players all the time. I bought a guitar their last month...great price.
Check em out, they even have a basic website.
Tell em George Barry sent ya.
the only dealer i have close is Sam ash and they dont even carry mts products at the store so its kind of pointless
..I basically dislike Sam's ***...and all of their ilk.
They plan on driving the mom and Pop places out and charging you up the A** once they have a monopoly.
But there are good music stores, and they ship..and even do returns...if you are reasonable. Just do your homework and dont jerk these people around.
You find out tones of info about modules and amps here, and youtube even has a bunch of videos..plus everyone is cool..ask any questions you have. Many of Us use these amps all the time in bands, on sessions, in lessons etc.
No worries....there are guys here who have owned EVERYTHING, and they come back to Randall MTS system time and time again.