Just got done tracking with some mods...

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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2010
Reaction score
Hurtling through space on a wet rock.
This is my band's stuff so there's more people involved and not as simple for me to post clips...

But I'm gonna cheat and throw one up for a few days...Shhh..

This one features the Salvation Baseman (boosted) and Friedman RSC Plexi....Song is copyrighted but not ready for release by any means...

There's also a whole lotta Benzin Channel 3 going on but that is still being tracked out...

Hatred and praise equally welcome!!! :)
JayDA said:
That's catchy, I dig it. Can't wait to hear it fully fleshed out.

Thanks Jay...Yeah, it sounds great with all parts...The lead guitar on this song is particularly cool so that will add a lot...Thanks for checking it out...

Graham Pearson said:
Disappointing ... no accordions
I know...They're coming too....It's hard to find the right accordion for this song and I wanna be picky...You know you can't rush a great squeeze harp part...