KT-88s are in...my RM50HB

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Well-known member
Apr 3, 2007
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I realize this is the honeymoon period but they sound freaking massive...but also sweet....they seemingly added some 'crunch' to the tone too.

Biased at 45mV for now..seems to sound pretty good.

Preferring these to the TungSol 5881s so far.

Only downer was 'bye-bye' to the tube retainers but not like they do much anyway ;)

I bought 'Gold Lion' tubes simply because I liked the description..lolz

"This new reissue KT88 is fashioned after the 1957 Marconi-Osram Valve Co.. The Genalex KT88 was known as the King of Power Tubes. Features include a special gold plated grid wire, carbonized screen grids and a tri-alloy plate.

The music these tubes make is incredible, bass is tight and well defined, mid range is sweet and seductive, and the high end is expended without any hint of harshness, certainly living up to its NOS predecessor without NOS high prices"
thanks for sharing your experience. Any clip possible? I'm really stoked to try the KT-88 now :D
Maybe today..I should just roll the camera when I first get something new because I'm sure that's when my most inspired playing occurs :D
I had a Quad set in my Lynch box and when first playing it blew me away! But after playing with my drummer with the volume LOUD....it was TOO MUCH! I had to take 2 out and put back in 2 EL34 and it was PERFECT!! Edgy and ballsy. Have the KT88 Bias at 52 and the EL34 at 34. Perfect combo and lovin it!
Looks like I should definitely look into biasing hotter..but really my Gold Lion's sound great at 45mA .. maybe I'm used to cold bias, had a Dual Rectifier for years that sounded great...heh

Kt88 is 40W?

40/500 * .7 = 56mA after all...
I think they can run a little hotter but if the tone is working then why mess with perfection? DEFINITELY added CRUNCH to the tone! Here I was sticking alot of money in different Mods and amp heads when all I had to do was change some tubes and it made a HUGE difference. Now I am HOOKED FOR LIFE on this amp. RM Randalls RULE!! 8)
Man, I'm going on the road in couple days, so no time to try out the KT-88. But i'm sure going to plug in a pair along with my E34Ls when i get back.
Mailman, where do you have your KT88 in the head? I guess at the 2 outside post are the way to go? With the E34Ls being at the 2 inside slots?
RM100 does rule, certainly blew away the boutique stuff I was using before, including couple Riveras.
I have the 2 KT88 on the outside and the middle 2 are the EL34s. As long as they are paired that way(or vice versa) it rocks. I know all about the boutique amps......Bought a Splawn Nitro, played it side by side against the Lynch Box with the 1086 module and the Randall CRUSHED IT!! I only played it about 20 minutes then finished the set with the RANDALL!! WINNER HANDS DOWN!!! Killed a Metaltronix I had. Killed a Modded Marshall I had.....5150.....dead.....THE RM100 LEAVES NO VICTIMS only bodies!! :twisted:
Mailman1971 said:
I have the 2 KT88 on the outside and the middle 2 are the EL34s. As long as they are paired that way(or vice versa) it rocks. I know all about the boutique amps......:twisted:

thanks for the tip, bro, really appreciate it. :D I've owned Boogies, Marshall, Rivera, Laney, Fender, 5150 and a host of others that I can't remember right now, the RM100 blew them all away as far as tone and versatility. There's still SOME tones that I can't get yet. But you can't have everything, i guess..
Trust me.....as you know......OVERALL........this amp KILLS everything!!! Just got done Jammin and had the Egnater EG5 plugged in and man.....AWESOME.!!! Thats all I can say. Covered everything from maiden to Pantera to Anthrax....ALL on one module!!
8) SIMPLY THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!
I recently installed a pair of KT88s and a Pair of KT66s on the outside, and let me say wow my amp crushes. Its deep and dark and the mids shimmer and highs resonate. On the rectified channel i can get an old school DEATH sound (R.I.P Chuck) with an little more gain added. I installed some Blackouts in a buddies guitar and holy crap those things are so low on the bottom end i had to cut back the density and the bass just to hear the bass guitar LOL. If you like lots and tons of Bottom End get a set of Blackouts and through in a set each of KT88 and 66 in your RM 100 its pretty sweet.

I did get some Microphonic feedback ( I have the combo with V-30s) but i fixed it with some silicone rings and its great now. I also put neoprene on the underside of the amp to reduce vibration and that made a significant reduction in over amp rattle and noises. Not that anyone can afford these little extras but where i work i can get my hands on scraps so I can do little experaments like these and i am pleased with the outcome.

Hey there Dan, it's Judd from Australia here, I bought your original Lynch Box way back.

I have to agree with you, these things are killers, I've tried a bunch of other amps and nothing has dislodged the Lynch from the top of my cabs.

This KT88 deal has got me thinking, might have to grab some and give them a try.

I've been lurking here for ages, one of these days I'll have to post some clips, need to get a bit more practice in first.

I'll try to be a bit more active here instead of just lurking!
shred-o-holic said:
I think Steve's opinion changed that the 88's were too bassy?

They added a lot of bass for sure...still seemed to work quite well with the G12H30/V30 in my 4x12...not so much in the Lynch Cab.

I still rate the Genalex re-issues above the other 3 brands I tried tho' :D