Lead & rythm tones with multiple of same module?

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Well-known member
May 29, 2010
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Are any of you using 2 or 3 of the same module but adjusting the EQ &/or gain or level to go from a rythm tone to a lead tone? Or are you just using different modules for each?
I've thought about doing that, but it would get expesive with modded modules. Not to mention wasting a space. So I've been either hitting it with a boost of some sort or just using the guitar volume.

But it's fun to dream of unlimited funds, an RM1250, a couple different cabs and lots modded modules!
it's in the back of my mind as well

Perhaps getting a second Angel mod, since on the one I have, just one flick of a switch will get me from rythm to lead
I would use 3 JF Brahma's in my RM100 if I could. One set on the verge of breakup, one at medium gain, and one with the gain knob pulled for a gain boost. I would also keep a clean boost out front for 6 killer Marshall rock tones.
Considered it with several modded modules.....since a bunch of 'em have voicing switches.

Could do two Gigmods or Salvo Rectos...one in 'Red' mode and the other in 'Orange'

... or two Gigmods Mark....can get up to six way voicing switches on that puppy but it'd be dead easy to run one slightly scooped and more brutal'ish for rhythm and then flip the switch on the second for creamy midz lead tone \m/
I could see that...
essentially going from one great tone GRADUALLY to another.
In fact, although I use 4 modules in my rm4 for every gig I do in The Fuse...I am basically going from one module's sound smoothly to the next. I set my gain and EQ so It always sound slike the same guitar just from small to giant..from clean to MEAN.
works for me.
But I could do it with 4 modules, all the same, if I liked.
My Carvin V3 has 2 identical channels, 1 for rhythm, and 1 for lead, and it works out great. I would think a lot of people are adjusting their modules to get a simular tone already anyways. Everybody has their own idea of what perfect tone is and always gravitate towards it regardless of gain.

My lead tone on my Mr Scary is simular to my rhythm tone one my KH-2 although I do cut the treb a bit for warmth and then boost the mid a little to cut through.
I always wondered why most manufacturers voiced the Rythm/Crunch channel different from the Lead channel. It seems to make sense to me that most people will likely take their stock Rythm tone & increase the Mids &/or the Volume/Level so that the Lead can stand out in the mix. Maybe I'm crazy though.
Ive tried lots of ways...
the gradual concept...
and the radical changes...
its all good but it takes work to get it all to flow.
On my 6L6 LB head ( head B ) I use two Brahma modules.

One is set for rhythm with more bass and less gain and treble and the other is set for leads with more treble gain and mids... I use a BBE Green Screamer on all the time along with a Dano TO version 1 on all the time with this set up.
Hamner1 said:
I always wondered why most manufacturers voiced the Rythm/Crunch channel different from the Lead channel. It seems to make sense to me that most people will likely take their stock Rythm tone & increase the Mids &/or the Volume/Level so that the Lead can stand out in the mix. Maybe I'm crazy though.

not everyone is looking to use an amp that way. Some people want 3 distinct sounds. I'm sure if more manufacturers started making amps with similar rhythm & lead channels, there'd be a raft of complaints asking about why on earth they would make two channels sound so much the same ;)

I am with eyeball987 and prefer to boost whatever channel I'm using for lead. The only reason I'm using one of my modules as a dedicated lead channel right now is because my old EQ pedal (which worked so well in the loop of a JCM900) doesn't get along with the line level loop on the RM100. I'll have to pick up something like the EQ-20 so I can have 3 rhythm channels which can each be boosted for lead.
For me boosting a channel dosn't give me enough of a volume boost for lead so I have to have a seperate lead channel.

I can't figure out why just about all the amp makers only make amps with a clean and a dirty channel.

The awsome thing about the MTS amps is they can be whatever you need them to be.
Have to admit I've started thinking more and more of going this route... I find myself coming back to the same number of key modules with smaller changes in settings.

StratmanR2S said:
For me boosting a channel dosn't give me enough of a volume boost for lead so I have to have a seperate lead channel.

Can't boost solos out front feeding a high gain channel, not enough clean headroom. Just drop any good clean boost or EQ in the loop.
For rhythm I roll back the volume knob on the actives. For lead I turn it up. I have the module set for rhythm tone with passives and use a tubescreamer for lead. Oh, that's old school. .... showing my age again.
This is interesting stuff. There are so many ways to do the same things and there is no right or wronge way. Its just what ever is working for you.

Me personally I use what most would concider more of a medium gain sound most of the time. For lead I do need a higher gain sound but pedals won't give the nessesary boost. A seperate rhythm and lead channel just works the best for me.

Playing lead guitar and singing the lead vocals I need it as simple as possible.
here's a clean boost pedal I'll consider if I get to live gigging again and need each of rm100 mods to be a lead channel
