Like Many Others Before: Need Advice on Which Modules

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Mar 29, 2009
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Minneapolis, MN
I did do a search before posting it. Actually gave me more questions than answers. Sorry if there are repeats. This is my first post, I'll eventually get in the groove of things around here. In the mean time:

I've spent the better parts of the last few days researching the Randall MTS stuff. After thinking about it a good bit I finally managed to get my hands on a used Lynch Box (EL34Ls) at a decent price. The thing is, it isn't coming loaded, so I have 3 choices to make.

1. Clean:
I'm picky about my cleans. I know I like the Fender Super Reverb (4x10), but I also like the Marshall Bluesbreaker at lower levels and Victoria amps sound pretty great too. Well, now we're looking at a Blackface, JTM, and Tweed selection. Though I like thick and deep cleans, I like a really clean sounds with almost no grit. That said I think the tweed and JTM are out. Tweeds come across as a bit bright and while beautiful sounding not thick enough for my taste. I think they do better with a good bit of OD. While JTM offers the thickness it also distorts pretty quick.

I was seriously considering the Blackface, but I also heard the Super V was a favorite. I'm open to looking into it if anyone thing it really is clean enough. Also, I know that EL34s will not deliver Fender tones. That's okay, I just want to get close as I can to a good clean (Fender or not) tone.

2. As for distortions I have a couple of things in mind. The first is that I absolutely love the tone of the Marshall JCM2000 DSL amps. I like the JCM800s too, but definitely prefer the DSL. Apparently SL+ modules with 06 or less as the first two numbers in the serial sound more like a DSL. That's pretty appealing.

If not, I also heard that the Mr. Scary module sounds like a Soldano Hot Rod and I hear that particular Soldano is meant to sound like a hot rodded Marshall. Does anyone know? Does it by chance sound more like/better than a DSL than say a pre-07 SL+?

3. I'm at a loss on the third module. I like the Ultra channel of the Hughes and Kettner Switchblade, my favorite band is Muse, etc. I've thought about doing and SL+ and a Mr Scary. I'm assuming that if I get a new SL+ that it will be pretty different from the Mr Scary, but if I got an old SL+ (if it sound closer to the DSL) would it be a waste of a third module to go with Mr Scary?

Is there another module someone would recommend in general?

4. Do I have to have all three modules loaded to use the amp or can I just have one in?

Thanks for your help. It is greatly appreciated.

KH1 for the cleans ,it is based on a blackface/bassman and a roland jazz chorus.

Mr Scary is a great great module but I don't think its voicing is too much like a Soldano and it definetly does not sound like a DSL.
I cant really describe it too anything modern its more like an old superlead that has been gained up. The SL+ is going to be closer to the DSL , more mid bite , more low end more saturated than the Lynch Scary

The Grail I think may be closest to your Ultra channel on the Switchblade.Low mids more low end like a tighter more refined recto.

For the Soldano I would look at Okstrats new mod or a modded Ultra
Hi Michael.

I was the one who said Scary is close to Soldano because i have a friend who owns one and when he was over, knowing I have ABY switches all over the place, looked around for the Hot Rod when i kicked on Mr. Scary. It doesn't sound like a Soldano through a Soldano cab. Well I've got V-30s in my cabs. Who knows with the Legends in the cab you're getting?

But yeah, that SL+ will definitely get into the DSL range. The new one with the bright switch off. Kick it on and it's JCM800.

I'll send you my settings if we end up with some overlap in the modules.
cowardm said:
what about the 1086, that looks incredibly flexible for a really hi gain channel.

I'm a new RM100 owner so i don't have a lot of time with it but I think the 1086 is VERY flexible, however I'm not sure I'd call it "really high gain". So far I've used it very clean for early Zeppelin rhythm stuff all the way to Godsmack and Disturbed and lots of stuff in between. I've read were other modules MAY do certain tones somewhat better but the 1086 comes pretty close to LOTS of tones. I use an MXR 10 band EQ to add more tones (mid boost or scoop), others use different boosters (tube screamer clones) to add flexibility.

Bottom line: The 1086 is in my #1 slot. Lightly modded SL+ in #3. Looking for a new #2, got a KH3 and Tweed on the way.
An old SL+ will get you those DSL tones. See if you can find one that's been modded with a switch to go between the DSL and JCM800 tones for more flexibility.
cowardm said:
I did do a search before posting it. Actually gave me more questions than answers.

What artists sounds are you trying to replicate? There are so many different people here who have nailed specific artist tones, that it might be easier to know what you're trying to sound like to figure out the right modules for you...

Then can't he change a pair of tubes to 6L6s, pull the fuses on the EL34Ls, and run the pair of 6L6s with the Fendery module? Then switch the fuses by pulling those on the 6L6s and putting them back in for the EL34Ls for a more Marshally sound?

and does running at 1/2 the power tubes change the impedence setting for the speakers?
Funny, I was also in the camp of actually liking the dsl/tsl Marshalls- many poke fun, but I like my tone to have some aggressive chainsaw in it. The problem with those new Marshalls is the transformer- always in the shop

That being said, I have an older SL+ Pete modded with an 800 on a switch- and the 800 is always engaged. It does have that 800 vibe, but adds more modern gain compared to the Marshall 800- so I think you shouldn't totally look away from the new SL modules- you can always turn the mids down to get a scoopier dsl vibe but yet retain that richer 800 tone

I had a stock blackface for a while and I loved it; strange the love affair seems to be wanning amongst the board members lately. The KH1 does sound closer to a modded BFace, so there's more quality there. JTM and Tweed are good at their specific purposes, but i wouldn't advise on those for a #1 clean tone. As for the SuperV, never played it, but that hyenik clip sounds great; be careful to get a newer one with updated specs

Scary is said to be in the SL+ tonal family, so grab it if you love that tone, but most like to get something different there- an Ultra XL or Grail

enough of my monloguing, welcome!
Hey welcome abord.

I'm a new user too (Since August) and this board is a wealth of knowledge and some awesome people here. Dont be afraid to ask any questing because there is allways someone here who knows the answer!

Dont forget about the XTC. I can get some good lead tones out of it and its got a nice grind in the mids that I like.

I like alot of mids, but I also boost mine and run it thru a BBE sonic maximizer.

After discovering the 1086 I poked around the forum and found some raving reviews on it, so I ordered one. I think I'll find what I'm looking for. Worst case scenario I have to get an SL+ and it's not like it would be terrible to have multiple modules.

I'm thinking I might do the tweed and put some lower-gain preamp tubes in it. I was listening to Victoria amps the other day and their Bassman just sounds amazing. I might still go with the Blackface instead. I'm not a fan of the KH1.

I want an Ubersonic, so if Salvation is/will sell them I'll probably use that in the third channel.

My favorite band is Muse and I particularly like the tone from their second album where Matt Bellamy used a DSL100 (he has since then gone to Diezel and it sounds pretty good on their third album as well).

As for cleans I love Jeff Buckley, so I think a tweed will deliver.

Also, as particular as I am about tone I'm a huge fan of EL34Ls and not so much a fan of 6L6s when it comes to distortion.

I'm open to any thoughts on all of this.

So far my favorite power tubes are the EL34Ls. The set I had in my JVM (for the three weeks it worked after being in the shop 2 months) were great before that amp fried them too. In the Lynch Box I'm very happy with them. I keep threatening to try a set of 5881s, but it's like this -- it if ain't broke....
Julia said:
So far my favorite power tubes are the EL34Ls. The set I had in my JVM (for the three weeks it worked after being in the shop 2 months) were great before that amp fried them too. In the Lynch Box I'm very happy with them. I keep threatening to try a set of 5881s, but it's like this -- it if ain't broke....
I've been waiting for a month or two for somebody to try the 5881s in the MTS :p Those are the tubes I want in mine (combined with some EL34s in the outer spaces) for more of a vintagey power-amp sound. Do it, I say! :D
I have at least a pair of every power tube type and tried some TS 5881's with a pair of TS 6550's last weekend. Not really impressed at all and took them out. I have liked the 5881's in my old RT2/50 and RM50 rigs I had, but I have not found a good pairing for them in my RM100's. The El34L's inside/KT88's outside pairing is impossible to beat in my rigs no matter what I try.
The local music shop in 2000 had 2 new Marshall amps, one with EL34s and the other with 5881s. The EL34s sounded so much rounder and warmer. I have not been a fan of 5881 ever scene.
Just to update you. I got the Lynch Box in a few days ago but didn't get the cab and module in until today.

I went with the RS125CX for a cab (2x12 1x15), and I actually needed some clarification on impedance if anyone can help. Link to that here:

For my module I got the 1086. I like it a lot, but I wish it was a bit more Marshall, just a hair more. I do like it though, and unless I get my hands on an Ubersonic this will certainly do. I'm probably going to go with Tweed for my cleans.

Also, a light in the Lynch Box is showing tube failure. It's quite possible, but I'm willing to bet it's the fuse. Not sure how to go about replacing it. Doesn't seem like the kind of thing I'd need a tech for.