Looking for a good quality clip of the Blackface module

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Active member
Oct 14, 2009
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I'm on the fence right now between buying an RM50 or sticking with what I have. (currently using a modeler - not bad. good for practice)

My needs are simple.

I'm using passive humbucker equipped guitars (PRS, Ibby Universe)

2 channels.
Ch 1 - Beautiful Blackface Fender cleans - chimey warm with some tube sag going on. Takes pedals very well as my midgain, Fuzz, and breakup tones will come from pedals.

Ch 2 - High Gain - (I've heard great clips so no problems there)

There is no doubt that the high gain territory sounds great with the Randall MTS line. I especially am impressed with the UltraXL clips, some of the XTC clips (i owned a 101B for while and just love that tone), and the 1086 clips.

But I have yet to hear a really nice Blackface clip. One that features how warm and tubey and saggy it sounds when clean. I don't care at all for the broken up or pushed Blackface sounds.

I've listened to Jim's clip at his site http://www.bandslink.com/randall.htm and It gave me somewhat of an idea. And I've searched about 10 pages back and can't really find anything.

Is there a clip or two out there that I've missed?
Can someone take a bit of time and post a really nice clip of the Blackface for me?

Thanks all. . .

Especially to Schlagdog for turning me on to the MTS line. :)
..I ,too would like some serious clips of the clean modules.
I have personally owned a few original fender Blackface mps..so good Fender Deluxe reverb sounds (of 1965) are every important to me.
I havent found ANY good clips,yet..at least none that sound like a real BF DR.
Most people seem to do their recordings with active EMgs are some other EXTREMELY high output pickups..which is really not the right tool to hear the Fender clean sound. I lived in Texas for a while, and believe me..down there they know a good fender clean...but at this forum..I have found people doing the passive pickup thing...or the clean sound thing..as much as I'd hoped...jus sayin.
But if i hear of any..I'll let you know.
Please a demo of the clean modules using a strat w/ neck, neck/mid, mid/bridge, bridge; and then medium humbuckers (Les Paul or SG); then high output passives; then actives. NO CHORUS OR REVERB. Just plain. Everything at noon.

strum a G, D, and A chord a couple times, and then a couple of blues licks. Go DI with a cabinet vintage (Greenback) cab. How hard can it be?

I'm looking for a clean module with no breakup. I sometimes pick attack hard, but want no breakup. Like SRV's Dumble Steel String Singer. Like my Fender HR Deville clean.

One module like this, and that Humble Overdrive Special that Pete's working on will finish off the amps. And then I can sell off my 5150, my HRDv and get an RM22 Head and a 112 Avatar cab with an Eminence Texas Lite (neo), and thus arrives the blues/jazz gig rig.

Bah, I think I'm getting old.
I would like to ask if someone noticed strange function of Bass pot on stock modules Blackface/deluxe.
I found biggest change in amount of bass is possible in first 1/3 of potentometer, and the rest of pots thread (say from 4 to 10) are bass all full.


This is important upgrade of my LoneClean modification, that bass pot on it is more usefull and it is easier to set desired amount of low frequencies.
after listening more closely to the blackface clip that Jim recorded, it does sound pretty good.

still looking for anyone who can bust a nice clip out for us.
