Mash-oldano or mash all+ ???

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Aug 21, 2011
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I heard the sound clips on salvation a website of both. Does anyone know if you can get the ac/dc type tone out of mash-oldano also??
I have a JF 59RR which is similar to the Mashall. The 59RR has far more gain than you need to cover the ACDC catalog. I use the JMP mode for anything before Highway to Hell and the JCM mode for everything after. I have to turn the gain back to around nine o'clock in jcm mode or it gets to heavy sounding. Make sure you get something that gets clean (moderate crunch) for ACDC .
I thought the stock Plexi did a pretty nice AC/DC. In terms of Mash All vs Masholdano- No contest- I'd take the Masholdano in almost any situation. Not a fan of the Mash all.
The stock plexi (which is the only module of my 18 modules I have not modded) gets that ACDC tone perfectly. At least mine does. I am not sure if they changed the design over the few years they were made or not.
To my ears the Randall Plexi beats the Egnater SL.
But... the Salvation Duoplex/Rhoady beats the Randall Plexi.

Masholdano is imo too modern for ACDC. Although it's my favourite module.