Mesa Rack of Delight

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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2010
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Hurtling through space on a wet rock.
Thought the Mesa Power section might give my Mesa mods a little help.


Still learning everything in and out but so far, so good!
gag halfrunt said:
That is a fine looking power amp!

I loved the deep option with high gain tones.

Thanks again! She is a pretty one and seems to understand the Mamba a bit better than the RT2/50 ... Or at least in my honeymoon phase! :)

Deep, Modern, and 1/2 options are all excellent and compliment the mods nicely...
My Mesa 2:90 seems to compliment my dragon, mamba and diablo so well. It's a great combo. I agree about all the modes working well will these modules. When I have my pod xt pro paired with my Mesa the modern mode was unusable, but the the mts stuff it work great.
JeffHenneman said:
My Mesa 2:90 seems to compliment my dragon, mamba and diablo so well. It's a great combo. I agree about all the modes working well will these modules. When I have my pod xt pro paired with my Mesa the modern mode was unusable, but the the mts stuff it work great.

I agree, I was worried that my Mesa-based mods had been so tuned for MTS that they wouldn't do well with an actual Mesa power amp. I was wrong. They sound more accurate. The RT2/50 does just fine for every mod. I just always felt the Mesas lacked something and now they don't lack anything.

I've never heard a Triaxis through the 2:90 but gotta think this combo is even better!

I never really liked 6L6 tubes much except for some cleans and Mesa mods...Now I can do it right! The three additional features make it so great to me as it's one last little tweak you can add for dimension.

My last thought on this is simply: I was pleased to hear my Marshall-based mods lack through the Mesa amp. They are fitted well with the RT2/50 and RM100. It just shows that the Mesa does it's job as it was intended.
Mattfig said:
JeffHenneman said:
My Mesa 2:90 seems to compliment my dragon, mamba and diablo so well. It's a great combo. I agree about all the modes working well will these modules. When I have my pod xt pro paired with my Mesa the modern mode was unusable, but the the mts stuff it work great.

I agree, I was worried that my Mesa-based mods had been so tuned for MTS that they wouldn't do well with an actual Mesa power amp. I was wrong. They sound more accurate. The RT2/50 does just fine for every mod. I just always felt the Mesas lacked something and now they don't lack anything.

I've never heard a Triaxis through the 2:90 but gotta think this combo is even better!

I never really liked 6L6 tubes much except for some cleans and Mesa mods...Now I can do it right! The three additional features make it so great to me as it's one last little tweak you can add for dimension.

My last thought on this is simply: I was pleased to hear my Marshall-based mods lack through the Mesa amp. They are fitted well with the RT2/50 and RM100. It just shows that the Mesa does it's job as it was intended.
Hi Fig,

I'm so glad to hear the 2:90 is doing what you'd hoped for your Mesa mods. It's a terrific power amp.

I don't know if I told you, but I bought that amp directly from Pete Thorn, right after he used it touring with Chris Cornell.

I'm in love with my Salvation Mark US. How does the JF MarkX compare? Are there tones it will do better than the Salvo? Or vice versa?
Thanks gag! I thought I'd read that somewhere but couldn't find it...Cool backstory for sure. Seems like it must've been treated pretty well on the road...

As for Ross' inquiry. The MarkUS and MarkX are both based off different Mark Series amps....The Mark X excels at solos and has a more present midrange....It can chug nicely too...

The MarkUS is more direct sounding...Not sure if it's the pregain eq or what but it is very in your face and sounds very unique...I like it personally for Metallica-type tones though it can do more...You can't lose with either as they are both great mods...
The Mesa Amp is still very awesome. It really brings to life my Mamba SE, Gigmods Recto, JF MarkX, and JF Trilogy...The last one surprised me the most but it sounds almost like a different module through the Mesa. I love it.

Now I'm on the hunt for a VHT power amp.... :)
Mattfig said:
Now I'm on the hunt for a VHT power amp.... :)

Man, I just traded mine because I'm getting rid of all my rack gear. Best power amp. You'll see. :D
Love my 2502 and I will have a 2:90 at some point for sure. Awesome amp!
BTW, anyone have a go with the Mesa 2:50? 90 might be a bit much for me. I barely get my VHT up very far.
Riculus said:
BTW, anyone have a go with the Mesa 2:50? 90 might be a bit much for me. I barely get my VHT up very far.
The 2:90 is a superior amp to the 2:50, imo. I've played them both, and found a big difference so I bought the 2:90.
guitarzan said:
Dang Matt! You got more racks than a titty bar. I bet it sounds punchy. :)

It's VERY punchy...Although I would sell all my racks for one good titty bar...Then I could buy it all back (in singles) in a few months time! :)

I usually detest 6L6s which is kinda why I gravitated toward this power amp...Weird? Yep...But I didn't like the 6L6s in the RT2/50 like I do in the Mesa...Exactly what I wanted....The only mods I use with those tubes are now in the RM4 attached to the 2:90 and sound much better than I would have even hoped...

My newest desire is to get a Mesa Road King II and use its power section with MTS...I know there was another user awhile back configuring with an original Road King...If you're out there, please chime in!
Riculus said:
BTW, anyone have a go with the Mesa 2:50? 90 might be a bit much for me. I barely get my VHT up very far.
I would agree that the 90 would be better, but then also the precursor to the 2:50, the Fifty/ Fifty, does outperform it in the tone department and that's why I got one of those. I really love that Fifty/ Fifty btw, kind of Fender sounding yet with a thicker quality to it that is unmistakably Mesa.
hey dude, i used to own a 2/90 for quite a while and gigged extensively with it.

But....once you hear the 2:100, I just died, I never looked back! i've sinced sold my RT 2/50 and Mesa 2/90 and just crank that Mesa 2:100!!!!!

It's still a very nice poweramp, just misses that Recto crunch/punch and deep thump they have. Typically, it's just more Mark series like, which is perfect the salvations MarkUs mod!