More GCX/GCP Woes

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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2010
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Hurtling through space on a wet rock.
Dear Abby,

This is the most frustrating thing ever...Well, not really that bad, but it is pissing me off nonetheless...

I cannot get my GCX/GCP setup to work right...I'm a total MIDIOT and guys like Sacred Groove and mojo among others have already helped a ton...I thought I had it this time too...Please understand I've read the manuals front to back...Can't say I understand everything, but have the basic idea....As I have 3 RM4s - I am trying to make 3 banks of 4 presets that will correspond to each module and trigger the appropriate channel on the RT2/50...With the regular footswitch (R4) it works but switches all 3 RM4s at the same time thus confusing the power amp channel selection...I could just get 2 more RM4s and use them to switch the proper channels but that seems pretty redundant given the features of the GCX...I'm also using the ground control pro to select the proper RM4 and corresponding loops if that matters...Is it just confusing the RM4s linked together as to which module I'm attempting to access? Thus making it impossible to set it up the way I hoped???

Any guidance is most welcome and thank you in advance...

Frustrated Bungholio
do call Digital Music regarding anything relative to the ground Control. I fint they still have a helpful staff.
Based upon my knowledge, and gear i have personal experience..i cant help much more than that.
How did you hook up the RM4's? They each have their own MIDI channel, right?
Baco said:
How did you hook up the RM4's? They each have their own MIDI channel, right?
By default they don't, and really they don't have to.
Different midi channels are handy when midi-mapping on the device is fixed, with the RM4 you can program the midi-mapping, so there's no need for different midi-channels (because you can make PC1 mean (module) channel 1 on RM4a and (module) channel 2 on RM4b)
The GCPro can control up to 8 units if I'm not mistaken, just for the sake of keeping it logical and easy to understand I'd recommend to give each RM4 it's own MIDI channel. I've been using MIDI rigs for quite some years now and for explaining things to others it's better to keep it simple and with the GCPro you have the right "tool" to keep it simple, so I don't see why you wouldn't want to do that
Baco said:
The GCPro can control up to 8 units if I'm not mistaken, just for the sake of keeping it logical and easy to understand I'd recommend to give each RM4 it's own MIDI channel. I've been using MIDI rigs for quite some years now and for explaining things to others it's better to keep it simple and with the GCPro you have the right "tool" to keep it simple, so I don't see why you wouldn't want to do that
Simple awnser: you'd need to open each RM4 up and set the midi channel ..
It's just simply not necessary and I don't see how it would make anything simpler.
If anything it can create more problems down the line.
I don't see any problems at all, really. You just have to create 3 Devices in the GCPRO, (RM4 #1, RM4 #2 and RM4 #3) with each it's own MIDI channel. Then PC1 can be module 1, PC2 can be module 2 and so on at all time, it just depends on which channel you transmit the Program Change. It's transparant, easy to understand and you don't need to be a nuclear engineer to understand it. True, MIDI mapping is handy if you have a simple MIDI controller but I really don't see any use in this when using a Ground Control Pro, you're making it way to complex.

It looks that we have a different approach to this, always interesting to see how others work or make things work ;)

But I'd still like to know how the RM4's are connected to the GCX...
Baco said:
I don't see any problems at all, really. You just have to create 3 Devices in the GCPRO, (RM4 #1, RM4 #2 and RM4 #3) with each it's own MIDI channel. Then PC1 can be module 1, PC2 can be module 2 and so on at all time, it just depends on which channel you transmit the Program Change. It's transparant, easy to understand and you don't need to be a nuclear engineer to understand it. True, MIDI mapping is handy if you have a simple MIDI controller but I really don't see any use in this when using a Ground Control Pro, you're making it way to complex.

It looks that we have a different approach to this, always interesting to see how others work or make things work ;)

But I'd still like to know how the RM4's are connected to the GCX...
As I said you still have to open each RM4 up and change the midi-channel..
Thanks guys....Right now I haven't flipped any MIDI switches inside my RM4s so they're all running on the same channel...I'll experiment with that later today...So I could just make bank 1 (4 channels) correspond to RM4a and bank 2 to RM4b, etc..?
That, to me, looks like the most transparant/easy way, each RM4 it's own MIDI channel, this way you can easily control each RM4 directly from your GCPro (by making 3 devices in the DEVICES part of the GC Pro).

Then you can make 3 banks of four presets (you can easily "copy" these and you just have to change the "target" RM4 (1, 2 or 3).

How did you connect the RM4's to your GCX?
Baco said:
That, to me, looks like the most transparant/easy way, each RM4 it's own MIDI channel, this way you can easily control each RM4 directly from your GCPro (by making 3 devices in the DEVICES part of the GC Pro).

Then you can make 3 banks of four presets (you can easily "copy" these and you just have to change the "target" RM4 (1, 2 or 3).

How did you connect the RM4's to your GCX?

Thanks Baco! My RM4s are connected this way...From the GCX to RM4a, RM4b, RM4c and into the RT2/50...Should I try it another way? I don't have any of my effects in the MIDI connects...Just the RMs and RT....

So if I understand it correctly, each RM4 is in a loop in the GCX, so RM4 #1 is in loop 1 (send from GCX to input RM4, output RM4 to return on GCX), RM4 #2 in loop 2 and so on. The input, your guitar signal goes into the input of loop1 and the output of loop 3 goes to your poweramp, so if you have loop 1 active, you're playing through RM4 #1, if loop 2 is active, you're playing through RM4 #2 and so on.

Am I correct?
Baco said:
So if I understand it correctly, each RM4 is in a loop in the GCX, so RM4 #1 is in loop 1 (send from GCX to input RM4, output RM4 to return on GCX), RM4 #2 in loop 2 and so on. The input, your guitar signal goes into the input of loop1 and the output of loop 3 goes to your poweramp, so if you have loop 1 active, you're playing through RM4 #1, if loop 2 is active, you're playing through RM4 #2 and so on.

Am I correct?

Pretty much....I have a TS-808 in Loop 1...Then loop 2 is Rm4a, loop 3 is RM4b, etc...The GCX has a buffered guitar input that goes into loop 1 and thru from there...The GCX is great at changing loops and such and that part has worked flawlessly, however the MIDI implementation has not...:)
The GCX is a great unit, isn't it? Been using one for quite some years now, with changing rigs, I always have a use for it ;)

If you have it set-up like that then it's only a matter of giving each one it's own MIDI channel, configuring the devices with their MIDI channel in the GCPro and lastly making the presets for the different modules/RM4's. Shouldn't be a problem and it will work fine ;)
One last stupid question...I can't find in the manual or MIDI guide where the DIP switch is on the RM4...I know I've gotta open them up but don't know where to start and don't want to disassemble anything important that doesn't need it...
No problem, glad to help, nothing more frustrating than a amazing rig that just doesn't work ;)

Just remember when you make your presets that you always have only 1 (RM4) loop active so that you don't drive one RM4 through another. Maybe that won't cause a problem but I'd recommend to not do that, just for being safe and all.

Regarding the MIDI switches, can't really help sorry. I know that for a RM100 head you have to take the amp out of it's casing. Can you remove the top cover?
Mattfig said:
One last stupid question...I can't find in the manual or MIDI guide where the DIP switch is on the RM4...I know I've gotta open them up but don't know where to start and don't want to disassemble anything important that doesn't need it...

You'll need to remove the top cover. The dip switches are near the left-rear, along side where the tubes are. Use the midi chart from the RM4 midi guide to set the channels. If you don't have one, you can download it from the manuals section of the Randall website.
Mattfig said:
Thanks Scott!
Don't forget the few screws on the front panel!
The top panel folds behind there and there are 2-3 screws there as well ;)

Also for the screw above the tubes (top left) you'll need a smaller bit, since it's actually a bolt (because otherwise you'd have a screwpoint sticking out into where you're rummaging around with your hands).

Oh and take it easy :) lots of screws to undo (somewhere between 15 - 20 I seem to remember! My arm was sore for days haha).